I Have A Growing Addiction and Fitting Into A Size A5

Hello All. I'm here with a confession for you today. Yes, as the title of the post today says, I have a growing addiction. The sad part about it... I have no desire to stop the addiction. Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram are all enabling me to feed my addiction. Now, if you follow me on Instagram, you may already know what my growing addiction is. If not, let me give you a hint.

And my last hint for you, a sneak peek at my desk.

Can you guess now? I have discovered the whole planner community and the love of decorating your planner. Let me tell you, it is so addicting. Everything is so pretty and girly and pleasing to the eye. You almost can help but to want to make your planner look pretty too. And since I create and offer printable planners on my blog, it was just a matter of time before I discovered this community.  I'm just surprised I didn't find them sooner! Why didn't you guys find me first!!!!

As I've been perusing all the pretty pictures, I've noticed that a large part of the community uses the Filofax system, specifically the A5 size. So guess what... I'm please to let you know that the 2015 Uncluttered Lifestyle Planner can now be downloaded in a compatible A5 size.

Yes, that's right, I didn't want to anyone to feel left out!

NEW!!! [Click HERE to download a free copy] - A5 Size

All, of the printables will eventually be released in A5 size... so stay tuned. Till next time.

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