Motivational Monday | Being Pretty

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Merry Monday to you! The start of a new week and a chance to leave the mistakes of last behind you and to make efforts and amends to do better with this one. What a lovely thought. 

They say that as you approach your thirties you feel a great sense of calm and confidence. In my early and mid twenties I laughed at this and thought it was one of those things they say to comfort you re: ageing but lately though, I've noticed an unexpected shift in the way I view myself and I kind of like it. 

In the past, I've been my own harshest critic. I've seen pictures of myself that other people have described as beautiful and thought, 'Urgh, I look vile'. I have picked apart the tiniest details of myself. I've untagged myself in things because my eyes weren't open wide enough or my arm looked squishy. Seriously, ridiculous little things.

When Jack made my edit of the the Winter Lookbook, I didn't ask for a single change. There are bits of it that I mentally flagged to myself, but then I thought, 'that's just my face', or, 'that's just what my body looks like when it jumps off a tractor' and felt alright really. It's marvellous what rational acceptance can do for a girl.

When you think of the 7 billion people on the planet and all their blemishes or wrinkles or squashy bits or cellulite, you quickly realise you're fine. Your body is just one in 7 billion. You aren't unpleasant or ugly and you don't stand out in any negative fashion, you're just one of the crowd. I find that so comforting. 

I've always been generally confident with my appearance but lately I have felt a great sense of calm over the matter. I look at my face and see all the things I didn't love before (laughter lines, always slightly uneven eyebrows, super rosy cheeks) and just think, 'Hello little bits of me'. As I feel calmer, I feel happier. As I feel happier, I think I look better. As I look better, I feel more confident. See what's happening? A very positive cycle of loveliness. (Even if it is slightly superficial). 

For this week's homework I would urge you to look in the mirror or at a photo of yourself. Take note of all your bibbits and bobbits and have a good think. Are they really an issue or are they just little bits of yourself that do no harm and are what make you unique? 

When I think about all the most beautiful people in my life (My Mama in Heaven, my little girl, my friend Marie), I don't even for a nanosecond think about frizzy hair or blemished skin or wobbly thighs, their beauty just shines out and captivates me. Let yours do the same. 



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