Aloha Sprinklerinos,
I've got some Disney explaining to do. Here's the story-
For years Marie BitsandClips have been talking about our 'someday dream' to take the girls (and Luca) to DisneyLand or DisneyWorld together. We are the kind of women who delight in the little things so a trip like that would be like magic to us. We knew we would take joy from every tiny thing, from packing in flight handbags to seeing Cinderella's castle, and so, it's been on our 'please, please one day please list' for a looonngg time.
(From our trip in Oct '13)
Now, you might not know this about me but when I decide on doing something, I'm not letting it go. Persistent Pentland is not a nickname without basis. This Summer I decided I was going to make this happen and so set out talking to Marie and getting going on the dream. We booked a trip for November but due to work commitments, we had to delay it to March.
Since the Summer we have been talking, planning, pinning and researching all things DisneyWorld. We are OBSESSED. Since Darcy has already been to the Magic Kingdom (HERE), I know she'd understand the concept of a Disney holiday and so told her all about it. She doesn't have a grasp of time yet so it's always been, 'When Scarlet (Marie's Daughter) turns 4, it's time to go on Holiday!'. She's pumped.
Then, like some kind of magic curveball, DisneyWorld contacted my management. The dream brand that I have been wanting to work with since forever, sent an invite. They asked if Matt, Darcy and I would like to join them for four days, staying on one of their resorts and touring the parks, in return for vlogs and blogs and all those good things.
I was torn. On one hand its the absolute dream and the exchange seemed perfect to me because I don't think I could ever go somewhere that magical and not document it on every social platform available but then on the other, would it take the shine away from my dream GlitterBits (yeah, I did just ship BitsandClips and Sprinkle of Glitter haha) trip?
We thought about it for a few days and decided to go. You just can't say 'no' to Mickey Mouse and we know that the experiences will both be so different. We are so grateful to have been considered for this opportunity and are giddy with glee to go- twice!! We know it won't take any fizz from the March trip because we have so many treats planned for it and the true joy of it will be to spent time with the Sunshine family (seriously, what kind of a perfect surname for them is that?).
With all that in mind (two Disney vacations in two months), this blog is about to get rather magical! I want to write as many posts as possible because reading other people's thoughts and opinions on the most magical place on earth is one of my favourite things to do in my spare time.
So what would you like to see?
I'll list some ideas below but if you have anymore, please leave them for me and I'll see what I can do.
Potential Posts for Trip One (The Magical Work Trip)
Disney Resort Hotel Review
Staying In Hotels With Toddlers
Theme Park Handbag Essentials
DisneyWorld Makeup (as in how I do mine for the day)
Darcy OOTD's
Mama OOTD's
Yummy Disney Food
Great Rides for Toddlers
Disney Details (I'm excited for that one!)
General Experience of each Park (Picture Heavy)
Airport Tips with Tots
The Disney Tag
Potential Posts for Trip Two (The Dream GlitterBits Trip)
Pre-trip Disney Haul (I've bought a lot that I am saving for March!)
Non Disney Resort Review (We're staying offsite)
Darcy & Scarlet & Luca OOTD's
Mama & Marie OOTD's
General Experience of each Park (Picture Heavy)
Sweet Snacks for Us & the Kiddies
Great Rides for Adults
All The Magic (all the sweet moments of little girls holding hands etc)
Packing your Stroller
Hidden Mickeys
Family Moments
Restaurant Chats
Past Disney Experiences
Obviously quite a lot there and definitely won't do all of them but just ideas to consider or add to! If you hate Disney, you're probably not going to enjoy my blog for the next few week but I will try to keep a few of the regular posts going too!
Alrighty, let me know what you thing!
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