Good Morning 2015, Let's Be Friends

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

It is a new year and a new start. A fresh leaf, a blank slate. I am excited about this.

Every year I make and break resolutions and this year I suspect will be no different.

This year I have made a LOT of resolutions. Partly because I need to but mostly because I'm excited and motivated. I think that's a good thing.

Louise's 2015 Resolutions

The Littles

No more fizzy drinks. Last year I cut them out for about 6 weeks and really felt better for it. I drank so much water and felt a big difference in my skin and eye brightness.

More exercise. A classic. I'm not specifically aiming to drop pounds (although I'd be pleased if I did loose a few), but I would like to tone and increase general fitness levels. #GlitterGetsFitter woo yeah!

Tan more often. Very vain I know but when I tan (I never use sunbeds, only false at home from a bottle stuff), I feel much more confident. It's the little things!

Be braver without makeup. I would like to worry less about little things like eyeliner and bronzer and embrace my natural beauty, instead opting for fun lipstick colours and a lick of mascara.

Declutter my life. I love staying in hotels because they are mess free and I only have what I use and use what I have. I feel so much more productive in a hotel. I'm going to make my home like this!

Schedule better. I am a self proclaimed free spirit and as such tend to float through a day ticking things off a never ending list. This year I'd like to be a bit stricter with myself and use time and resources more efficiently.

Try new things. As you know, I'm not one for change so I won't be going totally wild but I want to give little things a go. Things like pencil skirts, facebook video, exercise classes and full floral crowns.

The Biggies

Give more. I am very passionate about sharing and giving and this year I plan to launch #GlitterGives (thank you to everyone in the comments of THIS video who suggested that hashtag, I like it). Each month I want to do a different giving project, talk about it on Sprinkle of Glitter and hopefully encourage some of you to try the same. Now that Darcy is aware of more things, I am keen to teach her to grow with a giving heart and for her to know how lucky we are and how much we can do for others. I also know that with such a large Sprinklerino community working together, a lot of good can be done.

Take opportunities. As Oprah once said, 'Every outing is an opportunity'. I will spend 2015 with my eyes and heart open for opportunities to give (as above), work or experience new things. I find that when you are aware of hoping for new opportunities, lots come your way!

Love on people. Hopefully by scheduling my life better I will have more time to spend with the people who matter most to me. I have a family holiday booked in March (which the Bitsandclip clan are joining us for- yay yay yay!) and would like to put more minibreaks and friend visits in my calendar. I'll be sure to vlog some or insta the others!!

Reach my creative potential - even if there is a financial cost. Quite often I have a big idea for a video and then because I am technologically limited, I don't carry it through. In 2014 I met so many skilled people that I think if I wanted to try something big, I could enlist their help (and pay them of course) to assist in making something really exciting. I am by no means saying I could make a short film or animation, but I think I would occasionally like to push myself more than what I do now. I'm excited for the challenge!

And there we have it. A big ol' list of things I'm aiming for this year. I am all too aware that not all of these will happen or that some will only happen to a degree but I'm a believer in lists and so to have that written down is a huge motivator for me. 

I am so excited to start this year with so much positivity I could burst! If you have a blog, insta, facebook or other (there are too many social media platforms to keep up with these days!), feel free to use this picture and list your own resolutions. Please do link back here if you do use it- thank you!



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