2015 Fashion Wants

Aloha Sprinkerinos,

Did anyone ever tell  you, 'I wants don't get' when you were little? I heard it a lot and think the jist is, 'don't be a spoilt brat and be happy with what you have'. Cool. 

I think it's good to want things and to visualise what you are working towards, plus, I like thinking about happy things like this and like even more to make a list, so this post, you guessed it, is a list!

With the turn of the new year I have been thinking about little updates I want to make to my wardrobe and mentally making a checklist of things I'd like to try more of or try for the first time this year. 

Are you ready? Let's go. 

In 2015 I want ::

Flower crowns & headbands
Wooden bangles with golden details
Maxi skirts that float like there is always a breeze
Bright jackets to wrap round me with big buttons and deep pockets
Cobalt blue heels (with uber tanned legs)
Rose gold anything
Big slouchy brown bags for all my Mama junk
Full skirts with cute prints and petticoats
Sweet cardigans with scalloped edging
Pearls on everything
Hints of leopard print
Denim shorts with rose gold studs on the pockets
Dresses with big bows at the back and sweet details at the front
A bikini that works miracles
A floppy hat that compliments the bikini
Giant tortoiseshell sunglasses
Black patent mary jane shoes

Oooeeeee a wishlist to lust after. 

I would love to leave more lists lying around here in 2015. Do you have any requests or suggestions? Also, what are you wishlisting for this year? It doesn't hurt to dream!!



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