Motivational Monday || Head Space

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Woohoooo another Monday and another chance to try hard, work hard and reach your goals and targets. What's not to be excited about here? I jest, I know not everyone is a Monday person haha.

I don't know about you but I'm an over thinker. I am constantly busy thinking about people or things or events or conversations or arguments or projects or trips - it's EXHAUSTING!!

Last year I poured myself into everything. Every single thing. I feel like I gave so much to so much that I never had any left. I'm not talking financially but emotionally. Sometimes it's worthwhile taking stock and holding back a little bit, reassessing where all your energies are going and re-distributing.

Last week a couple of things happened which really made me think. I wondered if I have made the right choices with people or projects and poured my time and love into the right things. I felt frustrated and wound up. I think I might not be describing it well but that's because I am still a bit confused and het up myself. I haven't ironed it all out in my head yet but when I do, I'll try and explain it better. 

Until that point, and who knows how long it will take, I have come to a decision. 

I am going to give myself and my love and my time and my energies to only the people and projects I think are worthy. Worthiness can come in multifaceted manners but mostly, if you are kind to me, care about me and are a good egg yourself, you're in! Pretty simple! Bonus points if we can laugh, sing and adventure together too! Project-wise, I've already chosen what things I will be working on for the first half of the year so that's an easier choice.

Life is short and energy is precious. Don't waste it on the people who do not appreciate or reciprocate. There is no need to continuously work at something that doesn't work. Sometimes the best thing you can do is stop, smile and leave it.

I'm not suggesting you be a massive d*ckhead to everyone you don't quite like or feel hard done by, just that if you want or need to, walk away from it. Still be gracious and kind and pleasant (all energy neutral emotions) but no need to go full blast at things or people that don't deserve it. 

I hope you all have wonderful weeks full of peace, motivation and happiness! I have posts today, Wednesday and Friday. 



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