Motivational Monday | Slackin'

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Merry Monday mon monkeys. Mmmmm alliteration at it's finest there. 

It's the start of a new week, it's the Sprinkle of Glitter blog, it's time to feel motivated. You know the drill. 

For weeks I have been working on projects. My live tour begins in a matter of days, my book is released next month, two other big projects are to be launched in August and September and I'm slowly getting into a rhythm with mine and Matt's arrangements with Darcy now that he is at his new job. It's a lot. 

The thing that I have let go is the house. Oh-My-God have I let it go. I'm behind on laundry, there is always a pile of dishes, post is piling in the hallway and frankly, the house would love to see a duster here and there! I keep trying to claim back the control but I fail every time and throw out all the usual excuses - I'm always away, I am exhausted after I've worked, I'd rather spend quality time with Darcy etc. 

Well, this week I'm gonna stop slacking and just do it. I'm going to put my sole attention onto one room at a time and just crack on. Bit by bit I will get there. I want to live in an environment that's neat and organised and I have the power and means to do that. 

Is there anything like this in your life at the moment? If there is, could this be the week that you quit slackin' and make shit happen?



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