AGHHHHHHHHHH... I Dropped it!!!!

Yup, you read correctly... I dropped it! I dropped it! I dropped IT!!! Can you guess what it is? I could so cry right now. I dropped my stinking camera! I think I am gonna cry.

I was in the middle of taking pictures of my pantry for tomorrow's Un-Clutter It Thursday and... BOOM! It slipped out of my hand because I was in an awkward position. Now the lens will not close, that's equivalent to the blue screen of death on a laptop. Agh!!! And it will not read the SD card when I connect to my laptop, which would not be a problem except, the card reader on my laptop is broken as well. Double Agh!!!

Well, I walked into my hubby's office with my tail between my legs and told him what I did. (Tail between my legs because, I must confess, I'm ALWAYS dropping electronics. The day I got my new smartphone I dropped it within the first hour.) He looked at me, half smiling I might add, and said, "Gives you a reason to buy a new one." Not exactly what I was expecting hear. Everything to him logical, 1+1 always equals 2. (Do your hubby's do that too?) But I was looking for him to feel my pain and tell me he understood. What I held in my hands helps to convey my thoughts to you and now I'm lacking a major part of the way we communicate. 

Buuuuuuuut, I guess he is right. It's not like this is an expensive camera by a long-shot . I think we got it back in, oh I don't know... 1910! It's only a point and shoot with 4.0 MP. So I guess, I could use a small upgrade.

Now I must go try to get these pictures off the SD card. And while I'm at it, I guess look for a replacement camera. I'm still really sad though.

Till next time... Happy blogging with a working camera. Oh yeah, and take this as an official notice that Un-Clutter It Thursday maybe postponed.

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