I'm Going To Be A Great Aunt... Time To Plan A Shower

This is probably one of the most personal posts that I have written to date. I'll try not to go too far, but I have to give you the back story. On to the post...

Yes, I'm going to a be a great aunt! Well, actually I'm already a great aunt... beep beep! That's me tooting my own horn. LOL. Just ask me nieces and nephew. Ok, seriously. What I meant was that I'm going to a great-aunt. As in my niece is having a baby, a sweet little boy to be exact. Her mom (my sister) asked me to help plan the shower. I, of course, jumped at the chance to be included in the planning. It is certain to be a very special shower not just because he's a baby of firsts. You see, he will be the first great-grandchild, the first grandchild, and the first child. Pretty special right. But things getting deeper...

my niece recently found out that Jayven (baby's name) has Trisomy 4p.

What is Trisomy 4p? Chromosome 4, Trisomy 4p is a rare chromosomal disorder in which all or a portion of the short arm (p) of chromosome 4 appears three times (trisomy) rather than twice in the cells of the body. Trisomy 4, of all the chromosomal disorders is one of the rarest. So rare in fact that my niece will be delivering at a level 3 hospital (trauma center) because of the severe complications that may happen when Jayven is born. There are a whole host of complications that are associated with Trisomy 4p. Some are more severe than others.

My darling niece will know more once Jayven is born. Right now all she knows is that he has it but not how extensively he will be affected. You know... the most unfair part is that her time with Jayven may be cut short... which is why this shower takes on even more special meaning. I want my niece to enjoy every moment of her special day. For her to not think about all that's wrong. For the dark cloud that is looming to move out of the way for a some sunshine. For everything to be right in the world. For time to stand still during those moments... even if its just for a day. And as that planning unfolds every favor, every decoration, every flower, and all that goes into planning the shower will be selected with that goal in mind.

If you follow me on Pinterest you may have noticed that I have started to pin shower ideas. Here is some inspiration to get the ball rolling.
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These are just a few of the pins that I have out there. Feel free to check them out.

Also, if you or anyone you know has dealt with or is dealing with Trisomy 4, please leave me a comment with your and I will contact you. My niece will need all the support she can get. 

Till next time.

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