Google Friend Connect Says Goodbye to WordPress

Hey there ladies! How's it hanging. I hope the week is treating you good... almost hump day! Whoo-hoo!

But, I really just wanted to pop in really quick to remind you that as of until March 1, 2012 Google Friend Connect will no longer be an option for following any non-Blogger blogs. So, that means you and I will have to subscribe to those via a new method. Personally, I'm going to follow through the rss feed for most.

Speaking of finding a new way to follow... do you know of a faster method to change the subscription? Or to find to out if a blog is on Blogger or WordPress? Right now, I'm having to do this one by one and its no fun. Do I really have to visit each blog? (You may be thinking that I will visit as I read each post, but no my friends that is not the case. I read most post in Google Reader, which gives me a list of all new posts.) The thought of how tedious Google has just made my life is not sitting well with me. Especially since I follow somewhere in the realm of 180 blogs. If you know of any shortcuts please share!

Till next time!

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