Easy Peasy, Lemon Squeezey

Hey you! How ya doin'? Me? I'm taking it easy, but doing OK. Thank you so much for understanding my need to postpone Un-Clutter It Thursday and for the sweet comments and emails that were sent. I shared them all with my family and you certainly brought us a ray of sunshine on a gloomy day. For now my niece is bed rest. We are hoping the contractions stop and my great-nephew will stay inside until April 24th or so.

To divert my attention I decided to work on quick project to link up to the Mission Possible: It's A Cinch with the ladies.

Mission? Floating Frame. 
Possible? Oh yeah!

 - Antique Frame... Check
 - Smaller Frame... Check
 - Fishing Line... Check
 - Staple gun... and Check!

Price? Just 10 minutes of my time.

Lets do this!

Initially I put a staple on the back top and bottom of the antique frame and tied the fishing line to it.

Then tied the line to the smaller frame.

But then I made the project even simpler and just stapled the line to the frame. Duh, Iesha! And that's all! (Don't worry I removed the staple and nails that are sticking out.)

Pure simplicity!

And when I finally got the light right the wire is almost invisible... hence, the floating frame.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezey!

Till next time...


Partying here this week:
The Girl Creative DIY Show Off Project Parade 

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