What Does My Blog Want To Be When It Grows Up

The girls are at it again. By girls I mean Thistlewood Farms, It All Started With Paint, The Space Between, Eclectically Vintage, The Cottage Market. These ladies are hosting another party... a What Do You Want Your Blog to Be When it Grows Up party. 

thistlewood farm

The question really got me to thinking about somethings that I struggle with, which in turn, might impede my blog from achieving its goals. So I'm going to share them with you today, but set in a form that will hopefully help me to overcome them.

1. Be more worded, but not wordy.
If you were to ever meet me, one of your first thoughts might be... hmm, she doesn't talk much. That's for a few reasons, first, I'm a great listener, people tell me their woes all the time. Second, I like to get to the point and fast. I normally cut out all the fluff and just tell you what needs to be said. Now that I'm blogging, however, that is a huge problem. It could come across as cold and harsh, which I am not. So it's my goal to add the some bells and whistles to all my posts or else my average posts would be about five sentences long. 
  • This is cluttered and not pretty
  • I need to change it
  • This is what I did
  • This is how I did it
  • This is how it looks now
Sigh... yup, that would be me all the time and this is what I'm constantly fighting.

2. Open up more.
This really goes hand-in-hand with the first goal and even stems from the same issue, not talking very much. I tend to suppress a lot of my emotions until I get to know a person, I'm sure it has to do with my past. But yet again, that is not a good thing for my blog. I want to have a connection with you, my reader, and for you to feel comfortable with me. In order for that to happen, I have to tell you who I am and what makes me happy, sad, scared, what I love and what I hate. This is sooooooo very hard for me, but consider this a step in the right direction. :)

3. A transference of energy... or inspiration.
The thing that I love most about blogging is the inspiration that I receive from "blogland". But I feel its important not to be just a receiver only, one must be a giver as well. I want my blog to inspire you. I want you to know that when you visit here you can and will gain inspiration for your next project. It a feeling that I know I receive when I visit your blog.

4. To never stop growing.
More than anything I never want to stop growing. The first four goals listed leave a lot of room for growth and I know they are areas that I will continue to work on as long as my blog is here. And while, yes, I want to continue to grow in followers, it is much, MUCH deeper than that.  I want this blog to a place that always has fresh ideas... a place where other (unknown) capabilities will blossom.

So its your turn to express how you feel. What do you want your blog to be when it grows up?


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