Un-Clutter It Thursday Party #11 - The Family Room

Hey, hey, hey, we're back for another round of partying! 

Thanks to all those that turned out last week and linked up some stinking awesome projects. It was more than I expected to link up for the first party! Can I get a BOOM! for meeting and surpassing a goal! Shall we have a few highlights.

Lani showed a Pretty Little Organizer (aka IKEA hack) she did. I just love the new green color and the fabulous usage of Martha Stewart organizer tools.

Danielle gave us a glimpse into how she organizes her household with her Homekeeping Binder. Let me tell ya, if you don't have one these binders... you need one. I use mine everyday. Danielle also has links to some free printables.

And the most clicked was...

Bliss. She shared her Devil Drawer makeover. The after is superb, but.... let's just say there was a... uh... unique makeup tool discovered along the way that gives a new meaning to "apply gently with index finger".

And last but not least the winner of the giveaway is... K Coake. K. Coake contact me via email for more details!!!

Now, let's get this party started! 

This week I'm still in the family room... all 144 sq. ft of it! The family room in our house is a high traffic area. We normally start our day with watching the news and drinking coffee, then end our day with Mr. Uncluttered watching TV, while I'm reading a decorating magazine. Not to mention we are movie buffs, so lots of DVDs watching and most of our entertaining happens in this room too. So as you can imagine, this room attracts a lot of clutter. And since space is at a premium, I'm having to pull out all of my tricks to manage the clutter.

One of my latest tricks involves a roadside rescue that Mr. Uncluttered brought home last week. Thank you honey!  Its an Elfa Storage Drawer System from The Container Store. The frame alone is $47,and three of the drawers are $16 and the narrow one is $14... for a total of $109! Can you even imagine someone leaving this on the curb as garbage?! Yoo-hoo...there is nothing wrong with it... not one thing! A little scrub, scrub to get the cobwebs off and it was good as new. Check out all the storage potential! Let me stop drooling. More on this new week.

 This week I wanted to give you a peek into the Media Dresser. Remember this project?

Lets take a closer look inside the drawers. The top drawers holds what's left of our music cds (most have been converted to MP3s and tossed) and workout DVDs. (Sidenote: I love Jillian Michaels and stopped watching Biggest Loser when she left.) In the basket are extra cords for all Mr. Uncluttered's audio components. I think I'm going to leave that drawer specifically for him. I'm constantly hearing, "Babe, do you know where my coaxial cable is?" Umm... how 'bout we start with, "Do I know what a coaxial cable is and then I'll tell you if I saw it."

In the next drawer we house all of our Wii accouterments.

The boxes are from a CD organizer drawer that looked kinda like the one below, but brown ultrasuede.
 Do you have one those sitting around your house too?

Why spend money when you can repurpose? I always shop the house first! I simply pulled out the drawers and used them.

 That's all for today because I have to get back to this mess! Yikes! Photo organizing... sigh.

Your turn. So what did you do tackle this week?

The Uncluttered Lifestyle
<a href="http://lovelifestyle2015.blogspot.com/" target="_blank"><img src="https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-LcHFLELjHYA/T02oFx6YUZI/AAAAAAAABV8/1tQe8yYg-7s/s200/grabbutton%2520link%2520party.png" alt="The Uncluttered Lifestyle" width="125" height="125" /></a>

- Please link up your organizing/un-cluttering post(s) and not just your blog home page.
- Please put a visible link or my party button in your post so others can find it and join in.
- If you're new to The Uncluttered Lifestyle I hope you will become a follower. 
- And of course, take some time to visit a few other participants and maybe find some new blogs to enjoy.
- No link parties added to this party, please.
- No advertising, please.


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