Un-Clutter It Thursday #12 - Still In The Family Room

Welcome to another week of Un-Clutter It Thursday.

Some highlights from last week.

Lorraine at Miss. Flibbertigibbet (I love saying her blog name, flib-ber-ti-gib-bet. LOL. There's something wrong me) gave us a tour of some of her storage spaces. Most of them had a vintage twist to them! You know me, I'm all about having storage with a vintage twist. I love this cabinet that her husband built, to her specifications, to house her microwave and silverware.

Christina at Controlling Craziness organized her son's extensive collection of legos.

This week I'm still plugging away in the Family Room. Working on organizing the photo craziness that we had, well... everywhere. Funny thing, we had some friends over for the first time this past Sunday and the first thing the wife asked was, "Do you have some pictures I can look at?" Me, "Uhhhhh, (long pause) I guess." Then I hesitantly handed over my new photo storage box. Insert sad face here. In that moment I made a internal agreement with myself to never have that feeling again. (Have you ever had those moments? You already knew a certain thing needed to be address or maybe you were already working on it. But then someone asks to use it, see it, borrow it... or whatever it and instantly you get the kick in the pants that you need to get the project done. No, I'm alone on this?) Well in that moment, I knew I had to get. it. together. Iesha!

This week I've been getting it together. With most of our recent photos are stored on CDs by year I could focus all my efforts on the printed photos. Remember this pile from last week?

All together the collection is quite extensive and meant more to me than keeping in an old printer paper box. Not that you could tell by looking at the last picture. So this past week I did some research into creating a successful photo organization and storage system.
Believe it or not, it was not as simple as just moving the pile to a photo storage box, which is why it's taking a little longer than I anticipated. It turns out, I had to decide where I wanted the end before I could begin... go figure.  I found a site that help me come to that realization. Here are some great questions to start with to get the photo organizing juices flowing.

Once I went through every photo and freed all the duplicates it was time to go supply shopping, the best part of course. Speaking of duplicates, I have a question for you. Do you think its wrong to toss all the duplicate school portraits of the kids? You know the ones that you bought in a package every year the boy was in school. Do we really need to keep the 11x14, 8x10, twenty-seven 5x7s, annnnd one hundred wallets? I know after looking at the 11x14 that my son is cute, do I need to keep the other 128 copies to confirm? The hubby says yes, I say no. What do you say? Do you think my extended family would wonder why I'm mailing them 10+ year old pictures of the boy? But I digress... on to the supplies.

- Photo storage boxes. If you would like to preserve your photos for a decent amount of time remember whatever you store the photos in must be acid free.... No Shoe Boxes Ladies! I found some at Hobby Lobby for $3.99.

- Photo albums. I had to get knew ones. The ones that we had were from 15 years ago and were yellowing, very bad sign.

 - Slide sleeves. We have slides from my father-in-law that we will eventually mail off to get scanned. But that's down the line.

 - Scrapbook paper. For divider in photo box. Has to be acid free

Next we'll definitely go on a tour of the new system. This week I'd love to see what you've been up to.

The Uncluttered Lifestyle
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