Hey ya'll. I'm back with a few updates, but first let me say thank you to those that have stuck in there during my hiatus. I know that importance of keeping material fresh and interesting for readers, so I certainly appreciated when I logged on today I was not alone. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Now on to some exciting news... we have moved, but are currently living with relatives.We have found a new home but it will not be ready for another three weeks. Lots of decorating and organizing ahead! I'm actually looking forward to that... but that probably doesn't surprise you.
And lastly... GUESS WHO'S HOME?!?!?!? Yes, Baby Jayven came home from the NICU this week. Do you know what a miracle that is? This is the baby that doctors said wouldn't making it past birth, that is now three months old and residing at home! Is it smooth sailing ahead? No, but he has proven that he's not going down without a fight!
Here I captured a moment with my niece caressing Jayven's (her first nephew) head. It makes me teary-eyed every time I look at it. So sweet. At this point he had been home only a matter of hours. I think we were all amazed to have him come home.

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