Aloha Sprinklerinos,
I have a abundance of reviews and big posts lined up, but it's Friday and I have just come home from the most enthusiastic Rhyme Time session with Baby Glitter and am pooped! I wish I could have filmed the baby class we just went to, it was insane. I have never seen an old lady dance about to nursery rhymes with such vigor in all my life. Brilliant! Edit :: It's not 11.30 but life got in the way of finishing this blog post! Haha Mummyhood!
I thought I would share a few of my favourite recent instagram photos with you today as I know not everyone has a smart phone/has the app. If you have to opportunity to get it and decide you do want to follow me, I'm 'Sprinkleofglitr' on there, like my twitter name.
I am a big lover of A Beautiful Mess blog and after spotting their nutella cookie reciepe, I decided to give them a whirl.
As you can see, they didn't quite work. Unless of course you like lumpy-rock-nutella-sandwiches?
I lusted after more Stila cream blushes are falling head over heals for my current one. Review to come soon- yay!
Had a tidy and re-jig of my dresser. It was starting to get very cluttered and I feel so much lighter for the sort out. I might actually take some swish photos on this and make a whole blog post if you like?
Filmed a couple of videos for my YouTube channel on my incredibly high-tech tripod. All the mod-cons at my house eh!
Helped my little Sister get ready for her school prom. It was a proud moment. I have often felt more maternal towards her (what with the big age gap and the less than ideal childhood) so it was with a little tear in my eye that I did her makeup and saw what a beautiful woman she is becoming. To me she'll always be the energetic 3 year old that once rushed in breathlessly from the garden to tell me there was a sheep on the lawn. There wasn't. It was a white cat. Le sighe.
More trips to the post office with your Louella brush orders. I'm getting quite friendly with the staff there now!
And something I'd like to be in right now, a lush bath. Mmmmmmm it smelt so fizzy, warmy goooooood.
What have been your highlights of recent times? Pick one and tell me the best!
This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Confessions of a Secret Shopper. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top!
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