Interactive! 7 Things for 7 Days || July

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

W.O.W! When I started this last month, just saying, 'hey, wanna join me in a bit of self motivation?', I thought a handful of keen beans who love lists as much as I do would. I was not expecting over a hundred of you to write your own blog posts!!! WOOAAAHHH!

So firstly, Yay Us! Yay for our happy little community, where we offer support and warmth and goodness and together, achieve our targets. I think this goes to show that the internet is not only great for shopping, facebook and youtube, but a fantastic way to connect safely with like minded people and work together towards a common goal, which in this case, was little things to make us happy. I feel very uplifted by it all I must say. Oh, and for the lady who said she wanted to get a dozen penguins- you sound amazing! ;)

I'll start by sharing all the blog links to those who took part and then I'll tell you what I aim to achieve in the next 7 days. I always aim to do mine in 7 days, but only update once a month, otherwise this blog would become slightly listy and boring! haha!

Who Took Part?

NB: If you joined in but you didn't clearly say you have done so and leave a link on June's interactive post, then please don't be cross if your link is not here. If you had put 'I'm going to join in', I took that as you hadn't yet written your post and so did not accept that link. If you put 'I've joined in and here is my link' then that was clear as day and made me smile. Also, thank you if you additionally tweeted me  your link, I RT'd as many as I could. Yay!

As you can see, that was a lorra lorra linking for me! Blogger is playing silly beggars and is not letting me change colours, so it looks a little messy, sorry about that. 

Next month I have a lot of plans and as Matt is off work for his jolly holidays, I have high hopes that I can achieve them. I'll keep this short seeing as there are so many links for you to look through.

In August I will ::

Film :: I have so many videos that I want to film, edit and upload so I'm rarring to go on the YouTube front.

Review :: A good problem to have but I have quite a backlog of products I would like to talk about, so I'm going to make a concerted effort to do it.

Eat Healthily :: This is fairly obvious. Just eat more fruit and veg and whatnot.

Decorate :: Our dining room is currently being converted into my office/studio area so I'm really enjoying the interior design process and looking forward to getting it all sorted. 

Enjoy :: It's Summer! I'm not one for hot temperatures, but I do like sunshine, so I plan on spending more time in it with Baby Glitter and Matt.

Display :: I a crazy amount of photographs both on my phone and on my big camera and I'm just now starting to have the images developed. I now need to find fun and frugal ways to display them all. 

Hunt :: For bargains! I'm in the mood for carboot sales and charity shops. OOooooh yyeeaaahhh.

I'd love to hear what your goals are for next month, so feel free to make your own blog posts (you are welcome to use the image above but please link it back to me) and let me know in the comments! 

I'm looking forward to another month of this wonderful community and support. 

Are you in?



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