Lou's Reviews || Sienna X Tan

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

A little while back I was contacted by the kind folks at Sienna X Tan, who had clearly noticed my lust for the brown stuff, and asked if I would like to have a little play with some of their products. 

Naturally, I jumped at the chance and have had a rip roaringly good time making myself look like a bronzed goddess. Well, bronzed a least. 

Sienna X Tan is a British brand which offers a full range of false tan products for a full range of locations (home or salon) and has been featured on celebrities like Jessie J and the Strictly Come Dancing gang- how swish. 

I was sent the at home products (as you can see above) and after testing them all with the aid of my chum Clare, I have fallen head over heels in love. Tanny, tanny, love.

First up are the non tan products. A body wash, a scrub and a balm, all retailing for £11.95 each. My favourite out of these had to be the scrub, which I used on my arms and legs the morning before I tanned. I tend to apply false tan in the evenings and then if it is a gradual one, I know I will wake up all bronzey yummy and not have to wait all day- I'm impatient with these things. 

I found the scrub to be beautifully scented (it contains lemongrass and ginger) but not overpowering which I was pleased about. The product itself was gentle with tiny grainy bits to buff away any dead skin and leave you in prime condition to take the tan. I liked that the grains where smaller than some scrubs, as this gave it a more gentle feel than I have experienced before (I once felt like I was rubbing gravel into my arms). I only used this on my arms, legs and feet and would not advise you use it on your face or neck. 

The Balance Body Wash was lovely, lathered well and smelt of holidays. It also left me feeling clean, which let's face it, is what you look for in a wash!

I have been applying the Balance Body Balm after the false tan (leaving it a good half an hour or so to sink in and settle) and really enjoyed this too. It sank in very easily and left my skin lovely and supple. I think this will be down to the fact that it contains almond oil and shea butter- woop woop. The product itself was a creamy gold in colour which I thought was unusual for a balm but very fitting for a fake tan accomplice.

Now onto the best bit- the fake tans! Wooo!

For this part I enlisted the help of my chum Clare, who you may remember from my Alton Towers Vlog last week. Clare, like me, is a tanaholic so we spent quite a merry evening in my bedroom being girlie and reminiscing about Liverpool where we both used to live and where the air is thick with tan fumes!

Clare tried the Express Tanning Mist (£15.95) and these are a few things she had to say about it:

"Gorgeous smell of coconut, similar to Palmers Cocoa Butter."

"It dried almost immediately but I could rub it in with a mitt to ensure an even coverage."

"It looked a golden brown as soon as applied and then developed into a deeper golden tan after a few hours."

"There was a good, even coverage."

"The spray made it easy to do my own back as it was more like an aerosol than a wet spray."

Clare also said that it was the best spray she has ever used and asked me to send her a link of where she can buy some. This coming from a lady who I have never seen looking pasty, must be special.

The tan I have been most impressed with was the Gradual Glowing Self Tan. This claims to be streak free and have an anti-cellulite formulation. It also contains aloe vera, almond oil and cocoa butter. 

Applying it took time and concentration. This isn't something I resent, but if you are in a hurry, the Express Tanning Mist might suit you better. The product itself was a white cream, which sank easily into my skin and was simple to dispense from the mess free pump bottle. I applied it in small, even, circular motions and Clare kindly did my back. The fragrance was lightly coconutty and this pleased me no end. Far too often Matt takes the micky out of me and asks if I have been using my 'biscuit sauce', well not this time!

As this is a gradual tan, there were no instant results, apart from feeling a little sticky for a few minutes. After I had dried, I popped on my clothes, went to bed and woke up excited to see the results. 

Good news!! I was a lovely bronzey shade! Not orange, not a sickly yellow, just gorgeous light brown and even all over! My only mishap was one of my legs but that was down to me not applying everywhere (a danger of chatting away to a friend). To sort this out I just rubbed a little more product into the pale patch and by the afternoon I was good a new. 

My false tan lasted beautifully for 5 days and then started to fade. The tan on my face faded much faster, but that's because I cleanse it deeply every day, so this isn't any cause for concern.

The last two products I was sent were a brucey bonus indeed- Shimmer Sprays (£4.95)!! You know my love for glitter, so it's pretty much a given that I'm going to rave about sparkle in a can, especially when they are under five pounds. 

These are fairly simple, hold 20-30cm away from your skin and spray where sparkle is desired. 'Silver Glam' is filled with silver glitter and 'Gold Glam' with gold. They are both quite heavily fragranced (sweetly floral) so would also double up as a body spray. The glitter is finely milled but definitely noticeable and has a good lasting power- this would stay on all night if you were going to a party or event. 

Naturally, Shimmer Sprays are not for everyone, but they float my boat. Slightly immature? I don't care. Haha.

All in all, I have a new love. Up until now I have used Garnier Dry Mist, but these products really do top it by a long shot. I am aware that I was gifted these so you might well think I am raving to please the PR's but can really tell you hand on heart that I love them and feel confident and comfortable in recommending them to you. I will definitely be repurchasing the Gradual Glowing Self Tan AND the Express Tanning Mist.

I am really impressed with the scent, lasting power, ease of application and packaging (oh hello cute pink lids and goldy gold bottles). I also think the price point is great and the fact that it is a British brand makes me want to support them and out economy all the more.

Well, I think we can say this is one of the most positive reviews I've written in a really long time! I am one happy, and very well tanned, blogger!

Do you enjoy being tantastic? Have you tried Sienna X Tan?



This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Confessions of a Secret Shopper. If you would like to know more about advertising on Sprinkle of Glitter, check out my 'Sponsor' page up at the top!

PS- I typed the word 'tan' no less than 26 times in this post!! ARGH!

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