Aloha Sprinklerinos,
How time flies!
I thought it might be nice to do another '7 Things' post because a) it encourages me to achieve my mini goals and b) I love reading about all of your targets and feeling inspired.

I have a really busy few weeks coming up, packed with guests, trips to London, a makeup artistry course (so excited!), a wisdom tooth removal, in laws, a Christening, playdates, and of course, all the normal things life has to offer.
I feel like I need to set myself some targets in order to create some sort of underlying structure and to keep me from becoming a scatty tornado of stress.
If you would like to join in with this post and write your own '7 Things', do feel free! You are welcome to use the image above but please link it back to here. You don't have to complete all your goals in 7 days, it's entirely up to you. A tres casual affair if you will. If you do write your own blog post, I'd love for you to link it in the comments so that we can all check each other's blogs out, feel inspired and make new chums. This is a very sparkly community after all.
7 Things for 7 Days
Drink Less :: Diet Coke. I am an absolute fiend for the fizzy stuff. If I could drink it all day, every day, I would. Sadly though, it leads to a pufffy face and worse, bad teeth. I'm having to have a wisdom tooth removed soon and unless I want all the rest pulled out, I need to cut back. This last 2 weeks I've managed to cut back to one can every couple of days but I'm going to now go to 2 cans a week, then 1 can, then cold turkey!
Eat More :: Fruit and veg. I always feel better when I eat fresh food but lately it's been pushed down my priority list. Time to pull my socks up and fuel myself with goodness.
Prepare :: For Christmas. Yes, I know it's September, but I like to have Christmas all wrapped up (excuse the pun) by November so that I can relax and enjoy the festivities without worrying if I have bought Jean-Next-Door's box of festive biscuits yet.
Recreate Something :: From Pinterest. I absolutely love the oh-so-inspiring site and update my boards daily, so it's about time I started doing some of the things I pin. I've tried a few projects in the past and enjoyed the experience so I'm looking forward to getting my glue gun out again!
Date :: My Husband. For our anniversary this month I made him date night vouchers and we are yet to do many of them. I'm going to make a concerted effort to spend quality time with him, because more often than not we just dash through life not stopping to enjoy our relationship. Shmoozy shmoozy.
Organise :: My wardrobe. Things have reached a critical state. I can't find anything, bras are in with socks, coats are in with dresses, leggins have gone walkabout and lordy knows where all my cami's are. This ends now! It's tidy-time!
Progress :: Baby Glitter. The little bug is fast transitioning from baby to toddler and is a lot more inquisitive and adventurous. I'm starting to do older activities with her (like colouring in) but I want to encourage her development further with more stimulating activities. I'm sure pinterest will come up trumps for fun ideas.
I'm really looking forward to working at these goals and hope that by sharing them with you, I have a better chance of achieving them all!
What do you hope to achieve?
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