My Autumn

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

It's a fact I touch on every year, but I LOVE Autumn. It is by far and above my most favourite time of year and there is nothing about it that I resent.

 (Warning :: Going to brag now- I took this photo myself!)

I feel like when the air crispens and the leaves turn orange, there is a sense of hope and a fresh start at things. I find myself making new routines, adhering to old traditions (pizza on a Saturday night and candles lit in the porch of an evening) and generally feeling like I have a new lease of life.

To me, Autumn starts when school starts and with Matt being a Teacher, our household calender still does follow the acedemic year. I quite like it.

Now that we have a little mini human in our lives, Autumn is all the more special and recently I have been thinking about things I am looking forward to doing as a family and alone and thought it might be fun to share them with you. 

1. Walking Darcy in the big pram. We have a little grey easy-to-fold pushchair for chucking in the car but we also have a lovely big padded, cushy, cosy Silver Cross pram that I adore bundling Baby Glitter into and taking her for walks. I can't wait to pull on my brown boots, throw on a big coat, wrap her up in a woollen bobble hat and take her to the swings. 

2. Wearing Purple. To me, Autumn is the season of purple! Purple nail polish, purple cardigans, purple eyeliner, everything. Bring it on!

3. Sunday Night TV. Is there anything quite like having a delicious hot dinner, lighting the fire, drawing the curtains, snuggling down in jogging bottoms and watching things like Downton Abbey and Upstairs Downstairs? I don't think there is.

4. Craft Fayres. At this time of year there seem to be an abundance of things like Farmers Markets, Antique Shows and Craft Fayres. I really enjoy rummaging through dinky little ornaments or buying unusual cheeses to take home and treasure/devour.

5. The promise of Christmas. Let's face it, I'm already thinking about December the 25th and I'm not even ashamed. It's the 'most wonderful tiiiiimmmme, of the year', so Autumn is like an excited run up to it!

Those were just a few of my favourite things about Autumn but chances are, as I get wrapped up in crispy orange leaf fever, I will share more. Today I asked you on Twitter and Facebook what your favourite things were so there's a blog post to come on that too!

Do you love this time of year as much as I do?



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