Aloha Sprinklerinos,
You may have noticed that I have been updating this here slice of the net a little less often than I'm accustomed to. I just thought I would say, 'Oh Haaii there Miss Noticer! You are right, I have been and I'm sorry'.
Life has been getting a little in the way of my tiptapping on this blog. Life is good.
This weekend was perfect.
There was nothing particularly groundbreaking about it, but to me, it was blissful. Since I loved it and I love you, I thought I'd share it with you. Is that alright?
This weekend was one of those perfect sunny weekends where nobody has made any plans and yet all the loose ends of activities tie together beautifully and it all turns into one giant hotpot of joyousness.
The highlight of my weekend had to be Saturday. We arranged to meet up with our lovely newlywed chums Mark and Clare in the afternoon for a mooch round Toyrs R Us and then a quick coffee in Starbucks. Nothing major. No big deal.
How wrong I was. SO MUCH FUN. We spent an eternity in the giant toy store delighting over childhood memories, laughing over Baby Glitter loving the sit-in toy cars and getting crazy excited for things that wizz and ding. I ended up buying Baby Glitter some crayola crayons (THIS set to be exact) and a colouring book and off we trotted to Starbucks next door.
In Starbucks we met up with Clare's chum and her Daughter who was possibly the cutest two year old I have ever seen and set to work with the important business of panini eating and chocolate creme frapoccino drinking. It turns out that those crayons went down as well with the adults as they did the tots! I had honestly forgotten how much I love colouring in and we sat happily for about an hour being artists (or in Mark's case, seeing how many he could stand up before Emily or Darcy knocked them over). It was just lovely. About half way through, I sat back and thought about all the times when I was pregnant that I had imagined the things I would do with Matt and our Daughter. All the little merry memories I would make for her and the special moments we would all cherish and thought, 'Yes, this is one of them'.
The memories I have with my own Mother are like precious gem stones kept in a jewellery box in my mind and it is my aim and pleasure to create as many as these for Baby Glitter as I can, so that her memory box of gems is overflowing and she can enjoy it well into her adulthood. Granted she won't remember the things we do now but I take a lot of photographs and I like to think she'll see the weekend Mummy wore red lipstick, Daddy bought her a special babycinno drink and we all coloured in for hours, and smile at how loved she is.
Amazing moments don't have to be seeing shooting stars or swimming with sharks (although those are nice too), they can be the time you spend with really good friends, colouring in with your children, mooching round toy shops, picking out potential Christmas presents and discussing why you love crayons so very, very much.
Watching Baby Glitter hold a teeny expresso cup of babyccino (it's free and is warm milk with froth- yum), standing in her darling clarks shoes and colouring her book just made me melt a little bit. If I could spend all my weekends doing that, I would.
What makes your favourite weekend?
Since Saturday I have become a crayola enthusiast! No other brand is as lovely (believe me, we've sampled a fair few) and no other brand has such a colour array. We bought a pack of 24 and with Baby Glitter beginning to walk (and standing on them) or bum shuffling over them, there have been about 6 waxy casualties. I'm considering buying THIS big set of 288 because I know they'll last forever and I'm far to excited for all the different colours. Also, it wouldn't be right for our house to not have a set of glittery crayolas in it, would it? Haha xx
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