Aloha Sprinklerinos,
To me, September symbolises the rise of Autumn and the fall of Summer and a happy transition from sandals to pumps to boots. Hurrah!
It seems that this weekend is firmly in the Summer camp with warm weather, the smell of neighbours BBQ's and the sound of lawn mowers lingering in the atmosphere.
I thought I would take this seasonal opportunity to sum up Summer 2012, tuck it into it's low tog bed and look forward to a time of orange leaves and cosy blankets.
May was a good month. I forced myself to take time out and be creative. I absolutely love crafting but all too often a million other things on my 'to do' list push it to the bottom on the pile and I never have a moment to whip out my needle and thread and enjoy it. As part of my '7 Things' series I challenged myself to create and made this very easy no-sew tutu. Yay.
June was a sunny month but not too hot, thank goodness. I made my Dad and Matt some arty-photo Father's Day gifts which they both loved. Aside from the usual things like seeing chums, spending time with family, playing with Baby Glitter and trying out lots of lovely beauty products, the thing I enjoyed most about June was mine and Matt's rather windy (the in-the-sky kind of wind, not the bottom kind haha!) patio date. It was just blissful to sit, eat and not think about the day to day gripes of life. We have been doing that more often and very much benefiting from it.
July was the month I went barmy and decided to write 2 blog posts a day. I kept it up for about 4 weeks but then I came to my senses and realised that although it was a fun short term challenge, it wasn't a realistically sustainable long term goal! This month I pouted away in Revlon's Just Bitten Kissable Balmstains and after having my Instragram pictures printed, made this huge framed collage for the landing.
August was my crazy-busy-don't-sit-down-for-a-second month! We spent a happy week in the North, greeting our brand new baby niece, shopping, mooching round museums, letting Baby Glitter spend quality time with her Grandparents and I took a little break from the internet. Then, after some relaxed family time it was all systems go and Zoe and I trotted off to London for 2 amazing days at Summer In The City (a rather fabulous YouTube gathering) where we were able to meet so many of our brilliant YouTube viewers and see our other YouTube chums and catch up on all their news. Lots of other things happened this month which you can see on my blog and channels but those were the two biggies and I won't bore you by going on and on. And on. And on. Etc.
And here we are, September. A time of back to school enthusiasm, my wedding anniversary, blogger events, the dilemma of 'do I finally treat myself to some good quality boots?' and a whole heap of blogger motivation!
I feel like I am brimming with ideas and posts for the next few months and am itching to put finger to keyboard and get going!
How has your Summer been? What are you looking forward to this season?
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