Baby Glitter's Room || Home Corners

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

"I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date. No time to say, 'hello', goobye, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!" - White Rabbit, Alice In Wonderland.

Yep, that's how I feel. Try as I might to relax and not care, it really bugs me if I'm late with a promised blog post so huge apologies if you are one of those people who is bugged too. I feel your pain. 

So, back to the programme (so to speak). Last week we talked about a new Monday feature and I gave you a poll so that things would be a little more dynamic. As you can see from the right of the page, you voted in your thousands and 'Home Corners' pipped 'Baby Moment' to the post by 5%. What a close call!

If you are a viewer of my YouTube channel you'll kind of see that 'Home Corner' fits perfectly this week since on Sunday (my regular upload day), I posted a video of Baby Glitter's Nursery Tour. Whilst I was shooting this I took a couple of snaps to add to my blog (I could see which poll was in the lead and got ahead of the game *send clever points*) and so today, at last, I'm ready!

As you can see above, this is Darcy's room. Not a lot has changed since she was born and really, for a 2 year old it's kind of impractical. For her babyhood I filled it with (out of reach) trinkets an all things cutsie and chic but now as she develops and is more adept at climbing and reaching, it's time to swap the china ornaments and snowglobes for wooden puzzles and dress up clothes. I made my video because I knew viewers would be interested but also because I wanted to document the place my sweet baby spent her first months and so I wouldn't forget all the tiny details that are so dear to me. 

A few special things about her room that you might have spotted in the above video -

The 'D' on the door - bought at a craft fair when she was about 4 months old. 
The framed peachy coloured letter on her bookshelf - Written by my Mother to announce my own birth.
Paper hearts on the mirror - Stuck on by me when I made her heart and bells mobile so that the colour theme would tie through. 
The veil on the back of the wardrobe door - From my wedding.
The pink drawstring lacy bag - Made when I was pregnant. Not sure what I'm going to use it for but it's sweet and looks pretty. 
Rabbit snow globe on her dresser - Given by Matt's Auntie as a gift when Darcy was born.
China trinkets - Inherited from my mother. 
'Princess sleeps here' sign - A gift from my Auntie Judith. 
Frameless glasses on the bed - Sent to me for a PR thing but one of Darcy's favourite 'toys' haha. 
Carebears on her shelves - Gifts from Matt to me when we were dating.

I thought about telling you all the standard things but I figured you could work out where to buy a cot from or have seen a million videos and blog posts about changing stations and such. Darcy's room is special because it is full of history and sentiment and passed down love. 

As she grows and it becomes a more toddler friendly environment I'll still try to keep the special bits and the history because they mean so very much to me and hopefully will come to mean something to her too. 

In the comments, just for the cuteness, tell me the best thing about your favourite room and why it's so special to you. 



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