Gift Guide For Men || CHRISTMAS

Aloha Louise's Sprinklerinos! 

I love men. I love men because they’re soothing to look at, especially if they resemble Ryan Gosling. I love men because stubble is God’s gift to women and I love men because they are useful for a variety of needs. Granted I also think they’re big meanies, but in general they’re not so bad. You know what I hate about men though? They’re impossible to buy for and it is literally the bane of my life. If you think a university degree or climbing Everest is challenging you've clearly never had to buy Christmas presents for man folk.

Having said that, I love a good challenge (hence why you’ll see me at the Chinese buffet more often than is socially acceptable to admit)and therefore I have taken it upon myself to seek out twelve stonkingly good presents for the men in our lives, for their use and enjoyment in the hopes that it will one day lead to a ring on our finger, a kiss under the mistletoe or a chance to rub our faces against their jaw stubble. I'm easy to please, can you tell?

(Original image from Pinterest)

Have no fear, if you’re having an Amazon panic and contemplating asking Father Christmas to cancel Christmas this year, I am here, in all my glory. I shall be writing a separate gift guide for dad folk later on in the week, this guide shall provide more suitable gifts for male companions and brothers. Are you excited? Are you sitting on the edge of your seat? (I also now have Queen stuck in my head, ‘another one bites the dust’ anyone?)

Gifts Up To £25

Shaving Set
 It makes me quiver slightly when I think of men with just the right amount of stubble, and you know what they need to achieve said stubble? A handy dandy shaving set. I think THIS one looks pretty impressive and very manly. It’s like a makeup brush for men, I wonder if PixiWoo will consider designing one of these bad boys any time soon. I'm almost tempted to rub those bristles across my face.

I've noticed a lot of my male friends use an iWallet, as the name suggests it's a handy iPhone case with built in slots for all your cards. Personally I love a good purse full of money receipts but I imagine men folk like to keep things simple. THIS iWallet from Debenhams is pretty standard, but it would do the job nicely! They can protect their phone and keep their cards intact, what more could you want from a wallet! 

101 Sandwiches 
Men love food. This is just a fact. And if they’re at all similar to Joey from Friends then they’re most likely a lover of a good meaty sandwich or two. Granted I also love a good sandwich, given that they’re usually almost entirely made up of carbs, but I'm going to pretend to be lady like and act as though THIS book doesn’t excite me. If your man can open a few bits of packaging and butter some bread, then I’d recommend the sandwiches book.

The Projecteo 
The Projecteo is a gift suggestion that Louise has been raving about, and I have to confess it is pretty hunky dory. A projecteo allows you to reminisce over your snaps on the big screen (THIS is a pretty bloomin’ brilliant blog review of the Projecteo in case your mind is baffled) Louise has also said “When you place an order, you are given a little code to share with friends. If they use your code when you order, you are gifted $5 off your next order so that's a little bonus! My code is FRIEND05Y3 so if you do decide to shop with them and fancy using it, feel free. I don't think you get any money off but it's nice to share the love if you want to (please don't feel pressured). For those wondering what I bought, I ordered the Projecteo and a couple of wheels of Darcy snaps for Matt's stocking this year. Hope he doesn't read this post! Eeep!!!"

Gifts Up To £50

Breaking Bad Boxset
If you haven’t heard of Breaking Bad by now then I salute your resistance from social media and I wish I was ever so slightly more like you. Breaking Bad has without a doubt been one of the most talked about television shows this year and I have to confess, I am in love with it. At first I was sceptical and only began watching to see if it was worth the hype, and within 3 episodes I was hooked. If your man person hasn't yet been sucked into the world of Walter White I recommend you buy him the boxset HERE. He will love you forever. Although I do apologise if he ignores you for the duration, I will not be responsible for arguments.

Man Perfume
 Of course you want your man smelling beautiful, I love a good whiff of boyfriend, they always smell so manly and it’s usually down to the cologne, given that I’m not a fan of the au natural smell. Cologne is a pretty standard present for men, but one that we can all enjoy. Debenhams have a vast range of men's fragrances HERE which are worth virtually sniffing. I’m a lover of Gucci fragrances for me, so if you’re reading this and currently smelling of Gucci, line up so I can have a whiff. Single file please.

Call Of Duty
I shall confess, I HATE war games. I think they’re too violent and unnecessary. However I am aware that they’re hugely popular amongst the male species and therefore you’ll most likely win girlfriend of the century award if you indulge their fantasies and pop a copy of Call Of Duty under the Christmas tree. You can buy the latest game on Amazon HERE. Why can’t men just play Sims or Crash Bandicoot in their spare time? I don’t understand them.

Engraved Watch
I’m actually a huge fan of this gift. Many man folk wear watches in order to know when it is socially acceptable to eat once again and I genuinely think THIS watch is very charming and attractive. It could make any wrist look sexy, no matter how hairy the hand attached is. I love that you can have it engraved, it adds a nice personal touch whilst not screaming ‘this is the male version of an engagement ring, run.. run a mile’ Subtle yet serious, no?

Gifts Up To £100

Swanky Electric Razor 
Similarly to the shaving set I shared earlier, men do enjoy a good electric razor or two. Partly because it makes them feel rugged and manly, but also because they know it means their girlfriend won’t be stealing it to shave her legs. THIS razor from John Lewis looks pretty snazzy, and I certainly won’t be putting it anywhere near my legs in fear that I’d chop them off. An everyday essential that’s a little bit swanky (and gives you exclusive access to their manual boring old Gillette)

Gift Experience
 In my Student Gift Guide I recommended concert tickets as a desirable gift, and I feel this could also apply to men, if not a concert than certainly a gift experience. Debenhams have a range of gift experiences HERE. You can either send your man off roading or racing in order for him to feel like Lewis Hamilton for the day, or for a nice massage and glass of bubbly in the hopes he’ll invite you too.

 Sexy Suit
Men in suits are sexy. Fact. I’ve never bought a man friend a suit, I’ve not quite reached that stage of adult life, plus they’re pretty expensive. Having said that, I reckon if I left a boyfriend to buy his own suit it certainly wouldn’t ooze as much sexiness had I of chosen it for him. Therefore, do your fella a favour and make him look swanky this Christmas. Asos have pretty eyelash futtering worthy suits; which you can have a browse at HERE one. I’ll have one of the models too if they're on sale also.

Cosy Hoodie 
This is an entirely selfish gift idea I must confess. I'm a lover of the boyfriend hoodie look and currently I am in need of a new one. Therefore so is my boyfriend. I think I’d look good in THIS Superdry hoodie, as I'm sure many of you fellow females will also. Let’s all match this Christmas in man hoodies whilst feeling generous and economical. Sharing is caring!

That concludes my gift guide for men! I hope this has been vaguely useful for you! Men are notoriously difficult to buy for, but there is actually a pretty immense selection out there. That being said, I still don't enjoy shopping for men. It was fun having a browse for this gift guide though, I really do want that hoodie.



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