Aloha Sprinklerinos,
Some news today. I rather enjoy newsy blog posts because after offloading all my 'stuff', I feel all relaxed and like the world is caught up. Granted not the entire world is reading (imagine!!), but yanno, Sprinklerino world at least.
As avid readers may have seen, my blog has been suffering a little of late. I love her so much but I also love my homelife, my YouTube channels and all the other gubbins that pack themselves into our lives. December is going to be my most insanely busy month of the year work wise (2 main channel videos a week as well as daily vlogging, multiple collabs and various events and dates in the diary- yikes) and I can see that keeping up with my blog is just going to be too much.
Not wanting to leave it empty and sad, I have a plan. MEET HANNAH.
Hannah Bobannah (as I like to call her) is a blogger I met a few years back when she bought one of my first ever advertising packages. I developed and unhealthy addiction for her blog and we clicked in personality instantly. We've chatted about everything under the sun, eaten far to many sweet potato chips, online window shopped together and lol'd (yeah) about life dramas. She is a good egg.
Hannah's blog is a refreshingly honest take on student life, men, relationships and carbs. What more would you want? Tiny warning (I personally love it but I know we are all different), Hannah is not afraid of a cheeky swear word and some posts have chat of a sexual nature. Little minx. If you want to check it out here is Student Life. Follow her HERE on Bloglovin.
Over the last few months Hannah has been helping me out with a few blog bits but the time has come for me to say, 'Hannah help!! My blog needs you!!'.
With my crazy few weeks and her amazing writing skills, Hannah is going to be hopping aboard the good ship Glitter to write a few lovely posts for you to enjoy. It's taken me over 4 years to find a guest writer that I feel comfortable with so you can know that Hannah is clearly the biz!
I hope you will welcome Hannah here and give her LOADS of support in the comments because I know she'll be reading and smiling from ear to ear so, Hannah, see you tomorrow!!
To find new ways to stalk me or learn about my disclosure policy, click HERE.
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