Aloha Sprinklerinos!
November has been an exciting month for Sprinkle of Glitter! We’ve officially begun the blogging Christmas countdown with unanimous love for the festive John Lewis advert and the introduction of HannahBobana to the Glitter Family and her Christmas gift guides! Let's have a glimpse at November on Sprinkle of Glitter shall we?
We began the month by deciding how to spend our Mondays here on Sprinkle of Glitter! I always love a good feature and together you lovely lot decided you’d like to see some home corner posts, yippee! This month I filmed a tour of Darcy’s room over on Youtube and shared a few snaps HERE, the first featured glimpse of the corners of my home, tada!
Next up I shared another video with you lovely lot, this time in the form of a cheeky Lush Haul! I’m a lover of all things luscious and bath-tastic, they make me squeal with excitement! Naturally I had to share my over excitement and love of Lush. You can learn a fun Sprinkle of Glitter fact on the blog post HERE, oooh mysterious!
I also shared some snaps HERE of the beautiful Benefit boxsets and goodies which are available just in time for Christmas! I have been a fan of Benefit for a long time now, the products are always good quality and the packaging is so fun and fancy! Are you asking Father Christmas for any Benefit goodies this year?
HannahBobana spent a lot of November doing some online shopping and writing a few cheeky gift guides for us all at Sprinkle of Glitter. You can have a read of her student gift guide HERE. Is your Christmas shopping nearly complete? Have the gift guides given you some inspiration to make your loved ones squeal with joy?
I hope you've all had a jolly good month and are looking forward to the up and coming festivities! I can't wait until I can officially put up the Christmas decorations and write my letter to Father Christmas!
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