Aloha Sprinklerinos,
Last week I wrote THIS post about how to style your hair using Pantene Pro-V's new Style and Shine range. I usually shy away from hair related posts but this week is a very special one.
Oh yes, that's right, I've gone wild and feel great. I missed my ombre do from Oct '11- Feb '13 but knew I wasn't ready to return to my natural brunette hue so took the plunge and turned to colour. I was already caring for coloured hair what with it being blonde but now I feel extra precious about my My Little Pony inspired locks.
After the 1 Minute Hairstyle I showed you last week, Pantene have asked me to share another and I took this as a great opportunity to show off my swish new do.
Before you style, wash (if need be. No need to wash it exclusively for this style as excessive hair washing is to be discouraged). Alongside your shampoo and conditioner, you could consider trying one of Pantene's 1 Minute Wonder Ampoules which help strengthen hair against styling damage and contain the highest concentration of conditioning actives. More on the little gems at the end of this post!
Excuse my VERY EXCITED face! Baby Glitter needed Mummy to look enthused about something (a scribble on a page!) and the camera time went off. Motherhood eh?!
After blowdrying my hair straight, it looks pretty fluffy. I used Pantene's Deep Moisture Souffle to help add moisture back into it and to add softness.
I love that it came out like Mr Whippy ice cream. It's the simple things that please me.
To add extra gloss I used some of the Shine Serum that I loved so much last week. Both of these products calmed the frizz and made my hair styling tool ready.
Using a skinny flat iron/straightening tool, wrap sections of hair round the barrel and gently pull down to create curls. If you are doing this in a hurry (which I often am), start from half way down the length and select bigger sections of hair to work through more quickly The larger the sections, the looser the curls will be. Think beachy waves (big hair sections) vs princess ringlets (small hair sections). Adjust the style to the time you have available. This can be a 1 minute 'do' or an hour of work, depending on your preference.
Brush through your curls to soften the look and create waves.
Set your style with hairspray. I used Pantene Pro-V Style and Protect spray.
Et Viola!
This is a style I wear quite often for 'going-out' days. It's an opportunity to show off your locks and is fuss free throughout the day. Perfect! Also, if you find you want to take your hair up off your face, the curls/waves look pretty hanging in a pony tail.
Now back to the ampoules! Last week Pantene offered to giveaway 1 Minute Wonder Ampoules and today they are offering the same! Woop! If you'd like to nab yourself a nifty freebie, comment below with, 'I'd love a 1 Minute Ampoule please!'. This is open to UK residents only and I will announce the winners next week in a blog post.
The winners of last week are ::
If you can see your name up there, please email me on with the subject, 'I WON THE PANTENE GIVEAWAY' and we can arrange your prize to be posted.
Woop woop and congratulations if you won, if not, you have five more chances this week so don't despair!
And that's that for today- hair demo and giveaway, a good Thursday if you ask me!
If you have seen me sporting any other hair do's and would like a step by step on how to create them, please do let me know either in the comments of via Twitter as I have really enjoyed doing these and am keen to venture more into the world of hair!
Thank you to Pantene for sponsoring this giveaway.
Let's chat in the comments!!
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