Loves of Late | Childhood Imagination

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

It's been almost a year since I last did a 'Loves of Late' and to be quite honest, I'd forgotten all about it! The other day I saw the post and decided I'd like to work it back into my blog but hadn't found the right thing to go with it. 

Well, now I have. 

Loves of Late

I was speaking to my friend Marie on Skype a few days ago and she sent me a link to a video she thought I'd like. Oh my was she right! I LOVED IT. 

I feel like this video is a perfect reminder of a child's perfect imagination. Fun, inventive and untarnished by the restraints of adulthood. 

It had really inspired me to encourage Darcy to explore her ideas and creativity.

Other things I have been loving lately are lazy nights on the patio with drinks and friends (staying in is the new going out dontchya know), little walks to the corner shop with Darcy to choose treats, planning new ways to spruce up the living room (thank you Pinterest) and baked sweet potatoes- yum!

Did you like this video? Did you do fun things like this as a child?



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