Lately in Glitterland #1

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Something I do a lorra lot is instagram. I've been obsessed from the get-go.  There is something so pleasing to me about taking snapshots of everyday life and sharing them with other people who are excited for the small things.

I don't know why I haven't done it before but every now and then I'd like to whip up a jazzy collage and share them with you. Would that suit? I like to document.

Memorable moments from the last few weeks have been ::

Dying my hair pink.
Teaching Darcy to 'Grace-Face' (google it).
Reunion drinks with my uni girlfriends.
Having a Tyler and Zoe slumber party.
Being brave with DIY.
Splurging in IKEA (man that felt good).
Filming my lookbook (link!).

Aside from the heatwave that slows me down to the pace of a dry snail, things have been good. If you would like to follow me on instagram, search 'Sprinkleofglitr' 

What has been your most memorable moment this June/July?

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