
Aloha Sprinklerinos,

You might have found your merry way to my blog to read my latest 'Motivational Monday' and be wondering what is going on. If that's you, I hope you won't mind a rare change of plan.


In the last few weeks I have been doing a lot of blog thinking, What do I want from my blog? What do I want to give you via my blog? What do I want my blog to be? Why do I want my blog to be that?, and I don't yet think I've found the answers.

Sprinkle of Glitter started it's early days in September 2009 as an instructional craft blog. Wild times. After six months of growing tired of a glue gun, I steered it toward beauty, where it happily stayed for a good couple of years. In February 2013, I set myself the challenge to upload at least one blog post every single weekday and succeeded. It was such a buzz to be organised and regularly interacting with you and being really creative that I decided to carry it on for March. And April. And May. And June. By July I needed a couple of days rest. 

August is just around the corner and I have possibly my biggest month of the year. I'm going to be in LA for 10 days for Vidcon (I fly out tomorrow woop woop!), back for a couple of nights, off to Wales for a weekend, back for a week, off to London for a few days and then I have the annual round of family birthdays that fall in August to celebrate. I'm exhausted just listing everything!!

Poncy poncy.

This month we're having a change. Aside from the posts I already have lined up for you this week (I was organised a few days back), August will be ad hoc. I will upload when I want, what I want. I know, it's selfish, but surely that's what this blog was when it was born? A selfish creative outlet to talk to new people and discuss topics I might not be able to broach with my Husband (he could care less about taking 600 photos of everything or the latest hair serum) and friends. 

That's not to say I won't consider you, I always do, but I think it's going to be less of what I should and more of what I fancy. Like going to a restaurant and ordering three desserts just because you can. 

So, Motivational Monday is being put on hold. I will still reach #25 before the year is out but I need to build my own motivation before I can offer it to others. There will be a lot more lifestyle posts since those are my absolute favourites. There will still be weekly video updates because my OCD won't allow me to not share them here (haha) and with any luck, by September there will be a happy, focussed, rarring to go Louise. 

Less work, more play. Lucky me. 

Whilst we're on the subject of being honest, I have something to ask of you as well. Who are you? You know so much of me and I so little of you and sometimes that feels a little unbalanced. I would love to know the following things:

How old are you? (Answer in decades, ie. twenties, if you prefer)
Where in the world roughly do you live?
How did you find Sprinkle of Glitter?
How long have you been reading?
When do you read? (ie. On your way to work/school, at night, on a Sunday at 3am etc)
What posts are you most excited to see when you arrive?
What would you like to see more of?
Aside from Sprinkle of Glitter (ho ho), what is your favourite blog?

Those might seem like a lot but it your answers will really help shape the direction I take Sprinkle of Glitter in and will help me make some important decisions. 

Leave your answers in the comments and any other thoughts you have about today's blog post. 

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PS- It's 11.30pm on Sunday night and I just his half a million subscribers on my YouTube channel. I'm so thankful and SO HAPPY!

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