Playing with Chalk | Baby-Toddler Ideas

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

As the Summer draws on and Darcy becomes more and more active, we are increasingly looking for fun, easy things to do. 


My criteria for at home fun is always- easy to prepare, interesting and affordable. 

Drawing with chalks is all three- woop!


Whilst in IKEA a few months back, we bought a pack of chalks on a bit of a whim. Darcy has only recently started showing an interest in crayons so I they were a bit of a gamble. Since Spring (when these pictures were taken, hence the wellies and coat), we have been spending a lot of time outside, renovating our overgrown, crappy backgarden. Whilst we chop and dig and moan about the hard work (mostly me!), Darcy potters about on the raised patio area playing.

We introduced the chalks to her thinking she wouldn't bother but we couldn't have been more wrong! She played for agggggeessss. And by 'aaggggesss' I mean over 10 minutes, which is like 4 years in Tot-Terms. 


As you can see, I was pretty enthralled too. 

I love, love, love the 'naughty' element of not using paper and the fact that with the rain the pictures will be gone.

Since we took these snaps Darcy has decorated the outside bricks and we have bought and installed an outdoor blackboard with holders for her colours, which she LOVES. You might have seen it on Instagram if you follow me over there. 

So there you have it, an easy toddler activity that costs nada (providing you have the chalks in of course) and is completely fuss free! 

Last year we did THIS and THIS, so if you have teeny tiny ones, they might be worth a read. 

What do you do in the Summer to keep kiddies occupied? What did you enjoy doing as a little one? I'd love to hear your ideas in the comments. 

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