Behaviour || Motivational Monday

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Did you all have good weekends? I gave a speech about YouTube at a convention for my Dad's work. It wasn't my usual audience (hello huge room full of over 50's men) but it was still quite fun. Then, I headed over to Sloane Square where Miranda Sings was performing and filmed a super hilarious collab with her which will go up soon! Yay!

This week I wanted our Motivational Monday to focus on behaviour. 

This last few weeks and months have been really challenging for me on a personal level. I will talk more openly about them eventually but for now, just know that I have been really struggling with my emotions and with trying to stay upbeat and to remain focused on positivity. I think for the most part I am managing but yanno, there are days when I just feel really cross at the world or at people or at myself and it's not ideal. 

As a result of feeling so hurt or cross or sad, I have found myself wanting to lash out at people. I've, at times, taken an, 'I'll show you!' attitude and for the people who I have felt haven't been kind, I decided I would be unkind in return. Now, by 'unkind in return', I don't mean like poisoning their morning coffee, I mean like not putting a kiss on the end of a text message or saying, 'fine' in a really harsh tone. Yes, it's true, I'm a complete lame-o. 

I spent a week feeling like this. No kisses on texts, lots of 'fine's and I didn't feel good for it. I didn't feel like the winner or like I had gained control of a situation. Instead, I felt like I had just let myself down and wasn't representing the Louise I want to put out there .

When I saw the image above, it struck such a cord with me. 

It doesn't matter what other people do or say to you, you can still be kind back. Being a good person to them in those situations does not mean that they won or that you were somehow less than them. It means you were true to yourself and that you are stronger than feelings of sadness or anger. It means that despite adversity, you can still continue to be the person you want to be and that you are not controlled or influenced by other people's negativity. And that makes you a winner in my books. 

This week, let's focus on our own behaviour. 

If your boss at work is in the grumps and taking it out on you, that's their problem to deal with. You can still get on with your tasks with a smile and a glad heart. If someone at school/college/university throws a snidey remark your way, you don't need to retaliate with a similar one, you can choose to ignore that and show them love. Often the people who are mean or unkind need the most love and care because it shows them a better way to be. 

I'm going to remind myself of this message every day this week and hope that it encourages me to make good choices in my behaviour towards others and as your homework, I'd love for you to do the same. 

Have good weeks my gorgeous Sprinklerinos!



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