Gratitude || Motivational Monday

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Thank you so much for all your support and kindness last week. I read comments and tweets and emails and felt so uplifted by your care.

I won't go as far as to say I feel completely 100% better (that would be very flighty), but yanno, things are good and I'm a happy bean and I'm glad you're in my life.

This week I wanted to talk about a way of thinking that I constantly find myself turning to because I think it makes alllll the difference in our well being. Gratitude.

Having an attitude of gratitude is such a huge key to happiness and something that I regularly have to remind myself of.

When I consider how lucky I am and how much I have in my life, I feel incredible. My life IS incredible. I am afforded so many luxuries and so many wonderful experiences that to cast them aside and only focus on the things that make me sad or angry or anxious would be churlish.

I thought it might be a fun exercise to make a list of just some of the things I am so very thankful for in my life. As you can imagine, I am going to encourage you to do the same in the comments!

1. My Daughter. My beautiful, healthy, happy, kind, smart baby girl Darcy. She is unassuming in all she does and it so easily pleased. I love the way she unconditionally loves me and thinks I look beautiful no matter what my state. I love her tiny hands and the ways she strokes my top when she's tired and I love the way she tips her head back when she laughs at things that aren't funny unless you're three years old.

2. My Home. My house is small and cosy and happy. I feel safe here and I feel happy in every room. I have worked for five years to make it just so and I am still enjoying working on it. I love that I own it and I love that people say it has a good atmosphere inside.

3. My Job. What started as a passion is now a job- what a dream! I am so fortunate to be able to do what I love full time and to have such creative freedom on a daily basis. I never forget what a lucky position I am in and I regularly have to pinch myself at how amazing it all is. 

Those I think are the biggies. I'm also thankful for all the little things in life like my phone, yummy treats (haha I sound like a dog), rainy mornings when you're cosy inside, fairy lights, the purring sounds of my cats and pinterest. 

Making little lists, whether physical or mental, is a great way to uplift yourself and feel more positive about everything around you. 

I'd love to see some of your gratitude lists in the comments and also hear about any other things you do to keep yourself merry and bright. 



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