Motivational Monday

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

For the first time in a very long time I've felt motivated enough to talk about motivation. The irony. 

If you are an avid reader of this blog (thank you) you will I'm sure have noticed that I've been a little be quiet over here for the last few months. 2013 was a bumper blog year and I worked my not-so-little-booty off making sure it was regularly updated and cared for. 

It's no secret that one of my weaknesses is not letting things go. I feel like I have to excel at everything and that if I do less than excellent then I've failed. I've found myself in tears before because I've felt like I did a poor job of something. Part of not doing something well has been updating and caring for my blog. I still care for it very very deeply, but as you can see, it hasn't been as busy as it used to be.

This isn't a post about, 'I've been gone a while and now I'm back...back again' (sing it), but more about acceptance. This past year I have learnt to accept that you can't do everything and actually, that's OK. 

Focus on the things you can do, realistically. You're not going to do a full day in the office, cook a banquet for the in laws, engage the children in five Montessori activities, iron three wash loads and finish a pinterest project in one day, you're just not. Can you scrap the banquet, cook something easy but yummy and involve the children in the pinterest project though? Could you look at what you have on that day, streamline it and then do those things really well? Stop making to-do lists that look impressive but leave you sad when you can't tick everything off. Stop feeling inadequate when you have to leave your inbox unanswered at the end of the day or when you have a cheeky frebreeze and batiste morning- we've all been there and we're all alright. 

I am enjoying (slowly) learning to let go of the things that don't fully matter. I am striving for success every day and being proud of what I do manage to achieve. 

Your homework for this week is to let go. What a lovely assignment. Feel free to share in the comments something you might let go of. If you don't feel like sharing, that's Ok :)

If you would like to read over my back catalogue of Motivational Mondays, click HERE



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