Aloha Sprinklerinos,
As I type this, I have a Zula licking the inside of my elbow (VERY weird sensation) and a Rocket trying to sit on my boobies. I do love these kittens so but they certainly pick their moments.
Today's Motivation Monday is about finding the good in bad situations.
Looking for the positives in a negative situation, I think, is one of the quickest ways to get over something and the easiest way to feel re-motivated to carry on with life. It might seem quite twee and do-gooder-y but have faith, it works.
I don't think I need to explain this too much as you are all smart Sprinklerinos but basically, if a bad thing happens (no matter how big or small), try to take something good from it. The good thing doesn't have to outweigh the bad (often it can't), but it just has to be there. One little thing that you can say, 'well at least blah blah blah'.
For example, whilst filming this video the other day, I dropped and smashed a brand new concealer. I was prrreeeeetttyyy pissed but immediately thought, 'Ok, well I won't buy that brand again because the tube is made of thin glass (stupid), if I do, I'll know to be a lot more careful (a lesson learnt) and at least I got two goes out of it and managed to get a shot of it on camera before it went to cosmetic heaven'. As soon as I thought all those things, I didn't feel too bad.
For all the little things that happen this week, I would like you to try and find a piece of good in them. You don't have to tell them to anyone, you don't have to write it down or make a fuss, just think it, take comfort and move on.
Also, how did you get on from last week's homework which was behaving well even when people don't show you the same grace?
PS- Still being attacked by kitties.
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