Happy 5th Blogday!

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Today my blog is five years old. Half a decade. Wow. 

Thank you Chummysugg from Tumblr for making me this image. 

When I started Sprinkle of Glitter, I wanted it to be a fun Autumn project that I could enjoy in the evenings when I was bored or whilst Matt was at work. I was renovating our home and wanted a place to talk about all the crafts and DIY I was doing. Our house was (and still is) always a mess, we did everything on a shoestring budget and my biggest aspiration at the time was to get a nice office job in the new year. 

Thank you slowemotions from Tumblr for making this image. 

Well, I did get that office job but by that point I was so hooked on blogging that I carried it on. A couple of times Matt remarked on the fact that I had done well keeping it updated for a few months and he pondered how long I'd be keen - I'm flighty you see. I struggle to stick at things. 

Months ticked by and turned to years and in those years big, big things have happened. When I sit down and really think about all the opportunities that have come out of writing this blog, I feel teary. Because of this blog I started my YouTube channels, met other creators, visited new countries, stayed in very posh hotels, met literally thousands of Sprinklerinos, have been on TV, in magazines, on stages, in debates, on red carpets, interviewed celebrities, documented the entirety of my Daughter's life and become financial secure. Because of this one blog. It's insane. 

Thank you hey-im-zana from Tumblr for making me this image. 

When I think of all the 'things' I have been given or earned or found, I feel happy. But when I think of all the 'people' who have come into my life I feel completely blown away. I have so many memories that I will cherish for all of my life. There are the 'biggies' like dancing on stage with the boys in New York or eating breakfast on an upper class flight with Zoe and giggling at the madness of it all, but then there are the little ones that really hit me. Once I rang Ben Cook at 8pm from a hotel room in Covent Garden because I was feeling down. By 8.30pm he was there and making me laugh. Once I had to have some pretty painful dental work a couple of years ago, Zoe drove 3 hours to come and look after me and that night Alfie caught the train up to be with me too. There are the midnight skype calls with Jack where I laugh til I cry, the 2am Skype calls with Marie where we discuss everything from toddler snacks to the greater good and there are the 4am texts to Hazel to tell each other we're 'good women'. 

And then, there's you. You the community of Sprinklerinos who continues to grow but never diminishes in your cosy, loving attitude. I feel such an outpouring of kindness from you that I never thought would happen. 

Thank you LaurasObsession from Tumblr for making me this image. 

I thought that when you become well known for something, you gain 'fans'. People that like what you do, tell you so and then you say, 'thanks'. This is different. This feels so much more than that and in each message I read from you, I can imagine a person saying those things with so much feeling that I feel it too. I feel like this is a family. A huge, glittery family that does not exclude nor judge, but love and respect and cherish and I'm proud to be a part of that. I'm proud to be a part of all of this. 

Last year I said, "Happy Birthday little blog! What a journey we've been on. First year a wedding, second year a baby, third year a business, fourth year friends, fifth year a....What do you think will come next?"

Well, it's you. Hundreds and thousands and millions of you. More than I can count but not more than I can love. 

So, as is tradition- 

Happy Birthday little blog! What a journey we've been on. First year a wedding, second year a baby, third year a business, fourth year friends, fifth year a community. What do you think will come next?

Happy Blogday to every person who helps make Sprinkle of Glitter what it is and makes me so happy. You are so very, very loved. 



PS- As if to further prove how much of a strong community this is, all the images in the post were kindly made by Sprinklerinos. If you click on the names below their art, you can visit them on Tumblr. Thank you so much for always making great things. x

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