Happy 4th Blogday!

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Four years ago, on this exact date, I typed into google, 'Free Blog'. A couple of hours and a lot of tinkering later, Sprinkle of Glitter was born and a whole new chapter of my life had begun.

Yep, that is me at 4 years old. Who knew this whole Glitter World would come out of that little head. *Feels proud*

Having this blog has been such a positive exercise for me. It has encouraged me to see the good in so many situations, to value the things I have, to document the important and mundane moments of my life and it has also given me a constant, when other areas of life have been rocky. Naturally I haven't always shared those scary or sad phases of life on here, but over the space of 4 years, nobodies life is perfect. Safe to say though, I'm a happy little clam. 

What I have enjoyed most about working on this blog is the community that has grown around it. I know I harp on about it just about every time I can but really, it means a lot to me. It means that people are engaged in positive thinking, it means that friendships are made, it means that people are being helped (I see a lot of help between you in the comments and support is often offered to people with queries or concerns) and it means, rather selfishly I suppose, that I never ever feel alone.

Last year on my third blog birthday I said this - 

"So, like last year, Happy Birthday little blog. What a journey we've been on! First year a wedding, second year a baby, third year a business, fourth year a ...... . Who knows where we'll go next? I hope you will come with me." 

I think this year the celebration is going to be FRIENDS. This year through blogging and vlogging (the two go very much hand in hand for me), I have made so many new friends and had so many exciting adventures with them. I could go on and on but I think that might be for another post. If you follow Sprinkle of Glitter avidly you'll know who they are. 

As is tradition now -

So, like last year, Happy Birthday little blog. What a journey we've been on! First year a wedding, second year a baby, third year a business, fourth year friends, fifth year a ....... What do you think will come next?

I'm so looking forward to the next 12 months and am excited to see what they will bring us. As always, I'll keep you updated every step of the way. What do you think will be the 5th thing??

I'm off to celebrate now! See you on Monday!!



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PS- 4 years down the line and blogger still decides not to centralise type sometimes. YAY technology. 

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