Monday Insights #1

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Ahhhh, remember back in the olden days when we had that series called Motivational Monday? Remember how I said I had something new up my sleeve? Well today is the day I tell you all about it, ready for a brand new Monday series. I don't know why but I feel like Monday can't be random. We need something familiar to grasp onto of a Monday, to make us feel secure and safe. It's a Monday, you've got enough on your plate, you don't need willynillywhokowswhat blog posts popping up in yo- face!

Something I enjoy most about having this blog is the community that comes with it. I love our chats and I feel that each post is a conversation. Last month I asked at the bottom of THIS post if you had any questions about my trip to LA. I was flooded with inquisitive comments and wrote THIS post in response. I LOVED that process and would like to do it on a regular basis. 

So, every Monday I'm going to give you a topic and then the next week I will answer those questions as absolutely honestly as I can. I will try to answer all of them (within the boundaries of good taste of course) and will try to pick topics that we'll both find interesting. I plan on running this series for 6-10 weeks. Are you excited? I am. 

If you would like to be involved, in the comments, please feel free to ask any questions relating to the following topic:


I'll take questions up until Thursday night so comment away my lovely Sprinklerinos!!



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