This Is Us 1D Premiere

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

I hope this isn't a surprise to you but as well as my Sprinkle of Glitter youtube channel, I also have a channel called Sprinkle of Chatter. On there I upload videos that I make of my day or of interesting things that I am doing, as apposed to sit-down videos on my big girl camera.

I tend not to embed those videos into my blog because there are quite a few and I don't want to overload you but it would have been a crime not to share this one.

A couple of weeks ago I was given a most coveted ticket to attend the One Direction 'This Is Us' World Premiere and of course, I vlogged it.

The atmosphere was electric and the film was amazing. It was also really fun to squeeze in a bit of celeb spotting on the red carpet too!

I shan't go on too much because the vlog says it all but wow, what a night. 

For all you fashionistas out there- My dress was from ASOS, shoes, bag and cardi were Primark. I really must broaden my shopping locations haha. 

What other sorts of things would you like to see vlogged? I'm planning on doing a few more this Autumn so I'm interested to hear your ideas. 



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