Motivational Monday #25 - Finale

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

It is Monday. The start of a new week and the chance to start afresh and be whatever we want to be. I'm excited.

As I mentioned a little while ago, there will only be 25 'Motivational Mondays' this year and alas, we have reached that mark. I would definitely like to bring back the feature in 2014 but too much of a good things is never good. 


I have loved every moment of the Motivational Monday series and hope you have too. In case you missed any, this post should be a handy guide and jumping off point so you can pick and choose what you would like to read and which suit your life at the moment. 

Click on any of the titles above to be taken to that post and to learn a little more

If you liked those (or this blog!), do be sure to click HERE to ensure you never miss a post again. It's free, easy and allows you to keep organised with all your favourite reads. 

Since I love a good routine and I enjoyed these posts so much I do have a new idea up my sleeves for Mondays so do check back next week to see what it is and how you can be involved. 

Until then, what has been your favourite Motivational Monday? Do you feel you have benefited from them at all?



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