My iPhone Life | September 2013

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

It has long been floating around in my book of blog ideas to share some of my daily iPhone snaps with you. I wanted a way to share the snaps that weren't taken on my big girl camera and didn't make it to instagram, so here we are. If you like this idea, I'll keep up with it. 


From L-R, top to bottom. 

Posing with Joey | Vintage toys at my Grandmas | Most of the group I am working with at Google (more on this another time) | Darcy on a fairground train.

Bouncy castle time | Sunset in London | Sweet puppy | Mummy and Baby on a giant tree stump.

Baby in Coton Gardens | Me at YouTube HQ | Darcy on her photoshoot | Too small kiddie clothes.

Overlooking London | Google HQ | Best veggie burger EVER | Ice cream monster. 

Oooohhh that was cathartic. I am so glad that we have the technology to photograph and document SO MUCH these days, it makes life so interesting. 

I think my snaps show what an extreme life I have. I don't mean 'extreme' as in watersports and wild nights out, but I one moment I'm sat in a pile of toddler clothes deciding which are for charity and which are for saving and the next I'm spending a week in London, working at Google every day. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I am so thankful for my life. I am a very lucky lady. 

What has been the most exciting thing you have done this month? Do you have big plans for the coming weeks?



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PS- 4 years down the line and blogger still decides not to centralise type sometimes. YAY technology.

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