Happy Chumiversary

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Bit of an unusual one today. Prepare to have all the feels and warm fuzzies. I'm in one of those moods.

Three years ago, in 2010 I was going through a big transition stage of life. The kind of time when a lot of things are changing and you are embarking on a new chapter of life. In the space of four months I had fallen pregnant with Baby Glitter, had a fairy tale wedding, lost my job, decided that Sprinkle of Glitter was going to be more than just a hobby and then one night, a few days after I got married, an email pinged into my inbox.

That night I sat on my bed all cosied up with the fairy lights on and a new life in my tum and chitchatted to Zoe back and forth about all sorts of things. We discussed jobs, bosses, boys and babies and added each other on facebook. 

I couldn't pin point a day when I thought, 'Zoe is my best friend', but I also can't pin point a day when she hasn't been it. Life Pre-Zoe feels like a separate thing. I suppose because she came along at a time when everything was changing, she was the perfect fit to my life and hopefully, I was the perfect fit to hers too.

We share so much of our friendship with the internet world and we are always so glad that so many of you have come along this journey with us and feel like you are part of it. What you see however is only the tip of the ice burg. Over the last 3 years, the both of us have been through a handful of 'big life things' that never made it to YouTube/Twitter/Blogland and I am so glad to have had Zoe in those moments. There is literally not one mood or state that she hasn't seen me in and visa versa. Heck, in LA last month she accidentally saw me fully naked- gargh!

Sometimes people message me and ask if we are still friends because we haven't made a video together or tweeted each other in a while. The answer is always yes. This isn't just an internet friendship, we are ALWAYS in contact and more often than not we see each other and don't even mention it. We know each other like how an old married couple do. I know what she'll order for breakfast in Buddies (silver dollar pancakes with maple syrup thank you very much) and she know's what dresses I'd pick off ASOS Curve (anything floral or 1950's inspired). I like to say we are two peas in a pod. I'm the broad bean and she is the petite pois and it just works. 

In the last 12 months, for various reasons, I have seen chummy step out of her 'Zoe Shell' and run free. It has been such a pleasure to watch someone you care so much about flourish and be so happy. Even though we are both leading much busier lives this year, there is nothing I look forward to more than 3 days of chummy time to wear our PJ's, sing in the car or go mad in Boots. Those are the best days.

So Chummy, if you're reading this (whilst you sun yourself in Greece you lucky duck), I love you so much. You are my most special pea head and I hope that the next three years are as good as these have been to us. I hope that Zoella and Sprinkle of Glitter takes over the world, we make 60 million more Best Friend Tests, we have far too many midnight macdonald runs, we can hold hands and jump up and down on red carpets again, we run round bare foot in more American hotel hallways, we never stop our 'rallies' (sorry guys, an 'in joke there') and that, by 2016 there is maybe a mini Zoella* on the way? Yeah, I did just through that out there. Darcy needs a best friend too.

I'm celebrating our Chumiversary because my chummy is as important to me as all the other things we mark throughout the year and invite you to celebrate it with us too. After all, you've seen this friendship from the very start. 

I have also included this goorrrggeeeous video a very kind viewer made for us a while back. The first time we both watched this in our separate homes, we almost shed a little tear. Things like this always make me smile. 

If you would like to see more of Zoe, you can find her on YouTube, on her blog or on twitter to name but a few places. If you're anything like me, you'll like her. 

Also, yesterday I asked on twitter what your favourite photo of both of us together was as I was going to include it here. I was SWAMPED with suggestions and just couldn't pick. If you would like to re-submit them again, using the hashtag #HappyChumiversary then it will be like a little online library forever. Entirely up to you though :)



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*Obviously this is NOT a hint and Zoe doesn't have a bun dans la oven. I just like to pester her about it and hopefully that will have made her roll her pretty blue eyes at me. Lol. 

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