Amazing Advertisers || January 2014

Aloha Sprinklerinos! 

Another month, another wonderful bunch of bloggers for your eyes to behold! The first of the year too! Good golly, where has the time gone! I've got some treasures for you so grab a beverage of your choice, a biscuit or too and lets get going! 


The Fashion Fuse is a fashion blog written by the incredibly beautiful Angie. I can’t take my eyes off her. The Fashion Fuse is everything I like to see in a good old fashion blog! The design in swish, the clothes give those Sex and the City gals a run for their money and it’s inspirational. If I’m in need of a style infusion, Angie is the gal I’ll turn to. You won’t leave The Fashion Fuse uninspired I can tell ya! You will however want to go shopping and buy all the pretties! Go on, have a gander!

Aah Megs, what a beautiful red haired temptress. Another stunning fashion blog that’ll leave you wondering what happened to your afternoon, it’s that addictive. As well as writing about all things fashion Megs also shares some lifestyle bits and bobs with us (Oh birdie tea cup, how I love thee) and this month a pretty swish hair tutorial! She’s a busy little blogging bee that Megs and Wonderful You is definitely worth a follow, you won’t regret it. (You will consider dying your hair red though, I’m warning you now!)

Sophie has stayed with us for another month on Sprinkle of Glitter and as always Sophie Jane has been a joy to read. It’s no secret that I am a lover of Sophie’s culinary skills and baking posts, and this month she has not disappointed me! It’s been a healthy (and not so healthy – I’m looking at you delicious chocolate brownies) month on Sophie Jane with a recipe for a morning green smoothie and hummus (who moose?) Sophie is also on a journey to get more active this year just like me. I’m excited for her progress posts and motivation to keep me going!

Every Little Thing is a lovely little blog written by a mystery persona, I quite like that! Whilst I’m sure the brains behind Every Little Thing is every bit wonderful, it’s fun to have a bit of mystery! The clue is in the title, this blog has everything. Beauty, lifestyle, fashion and more! For the blogger to consider themselves a ‘novice’ I am heavily impressed. The photography is beautiful, the design pleases my eyes and the reviews are well thought out and brimming with all the information you’d desire from a beauty review. Let’s show our mysterious girl some love and give her a follow.

Amy has been a long time advertiser with Sprinkle of Glitter and I always enjoy having her. Amy has warmed my little beating heart this month with her New Year’s Resolutions post, she has made a resolution to smile at strangers more in a bid to perk up their hard day, I think that’s something we should all consider :). I’m excited to see what Amy has install for us in future posts, I’ve been a fan of her beauty reviews in the past and I look forward to more of them. Give Amy a follow, you’ll make her smile!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Liv is a good egg and I enjoy her approach to blogging and life in general! Not enough people spend a day with their chums doing pottery if you ask me! Liv also shared a post at the beginning of this month about her goal to lose weight and exercise more which I thoroughly enjoyed reading, also how fun does the dye 5k run look?! Having pink dye thrown everywhere for ever kilometre you run, now that’s an incentive! Let’s hope Liv keeps us up to date with her journey and will one day be posting pictures of herself covered in pink dye!

Undeniably, Me is good for the eyeballs and the soul. It’s a wonderful blog and I’m pleased as punch to have Elizabeth with me this month. Elizabeth is a beautiful lady who writes well and the passion for her blog clearly shows through her posts, they’re a joy to read! She also has a ninja cat called Oliver – I instantly love her more for this. Elizabeth also celebrated her 1st blogging birthday this month which is a pretty hefty milestone in the world of blogging so lets all wish her blog a big happy birthday with a follow and a virtual hug!

If you’re a lover of a good old upcycle then Sarah is your gal. I could think of no better introduction because Sarah produced the most magnificent upcycling post this month and I have been left inspired to complete a few more homely projects! Given Me Wings is another ‘little bit of everything’ blog, from upcycling to beauty and it is a joy to read! This month Sarah has shared with us a review of the most beautiful Nars palette I ever did see and her progress with Slimming World, I told ya – everything! If you’re in need of new blogs to follow, look no further than Given Me Wings! There certainly is something for everyone, there’ll be something to tickle your pickle I swear!

Sookie Spartan is an American beauty and fashion blog written by the lovely Sara. This month Sara has shared all sorts with us including an eye tutorial using the Naked 3 palette and reviews on some sportswear, she’s an active gal that Sara! Sara definitely has a knack at beauty blogging I can tell ya! Her reviews are always in depth, coupled with photographs, swatches and all the product information you could possibly need! Sookie Spartan is a joy to read and I look forward to Sara’s future posts (I like to all the beauty products they have across the pond)

Beauty in Beta is a fun little blog written by a gal named Beth. Firstly it must be said that Beth has the cutest, fluffiest cat in all the land and I want to squish him with love. He is also called Gizmo, incredible. Gizmo the cat, I love you. I’m also a fan of Beth, she’s got such a light hearted, down to earth personality and it shines through in her blogging which makes her writing a joy to read. Beth blogs about all sorts, including beauty and lifestyle and she also makes Youtube videos for us too. She and Gizmo are a breath of fresh air I thoroughly recommend you have a browse! 

And that's all folks! 



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