Aloha Sprinklerinos,
I spend so so much of my time talking about Motherhood, friendships, personal growth and work adventures on here but so very rarely discuss that guy Matt. You know, that man I married, live with and the Father of my bambino.
(Mr & Mrs)
The reason I have kept him so hush hush for the past four years is because isn't really a, 'hey look at me!' kinda guy and works in a high school so was a little reserved about having so much of his life out there for all and sundry to read. I get it. I respect it.
Lately though, the little love has been finding himself more and more interested in blogging and vlogging and taking quite big steps to be more involved which basically, THRILLS ME. This means he is appearing in more and more Chatter channel vlogs and is happy to be featured on my blog more too. Yay, yippe and huzzah!
I'd quite like write more Matt centred blog posts since he is obviously such a huge part of my life but feel lost as to what you'd like to know. What are you interested in? Are you interested in anything at all? Are you wondering why you're even reading haha?
For those that are totally new- Matt and I met at university in Liverpool and I (being a naive teenager) thought he was oh-so-cool because he was 21 already and seemed very suave. He thought I was cute and eccentric and after 8 months of shillyshallying around (you know how it goes), we were an item. After graduating I stayed in Liverpool for a few more years because it's his hometown (I love me a scouser) and because the city has a big place in my heart. Then, we moved down closer to London, bought a house, said 'I do', baby made three and voila, here we are, the Glitter Family. That's us in a nutshell.
I'm glad he puts up with me. He is always so supportive of my job (which we both love but understand it's not your average 9-5), weathers my ever changing mind, shares the housework and plans little trips for us. I realise how lucky I am and this year am really striving to find more ways to show him my appreciation (minds out of gutters please ladies ;) ).
Comment homework today is - What would you like to know about us? Ask anything, it's a free-for all. What do you do to show love for your other half or what would you do if you were in a relationship? Should I encourage Matt to one day write a blog post? What would you like to read from him?
You can (only if you want to) follow him on twitter HERE.
Exciting times Sprinklerinos!
Contributor - Louise
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