Aloha Sprinklerinos,
If you follow me on YouTubes, Facebook, Instagram or Tumblr you may have noticed #GlitterGetsFitter being a THING.
I say a 'THING' because I can't quite tell if it's a full on new lifestyle change or just a fad and not being one to love commitment (types the home owning married mother who has run her own business for the last couple of years, commitment much?) I'm reluctant to give it a title.
(A collection of my GlitterGetsFitter instagram updates this month.)
I talked about it in a video this past Sunday and wanted to chat a little bit more about it over here so as to have all bases covered. I'm not going to bleat on about it too much after that, unless something worthwhile happens, but you can still follow the THING on my social platforms if you're a keen bean.
It all began when Weight Watchers approached me in Autumn 2013 and asked if I would work with them on a few videos they had in mind to promote their new plan, Simple Start. I had long being thinking that my physical fitness needed some help but initially said no because I thought Weight Watchers was all about dropping lbs and eating boring foods.
After a few discussions back and forth with me saying I don't enjoy the idea of diets and extreme/fast weight loss and that my goal for 2014 was to fuel my body better and improve my health levels, I quickly realised that was what Weight Watchers is all about. It's not about bland foods and being hungry, it's about learning which foods love your body and which foods don't really give you much (sadly, my beloved macdonalds french fries are the latter *sob*).
I decided that if I was going to be in videos promoting the Simple Start plan (HERE and HERE) that it would only be right to actually give it a go (practise what you preach and all) and have now being doing it for two weeks.
I won't lie, it's been a big shock to my body and lifestyle. This second week I have spent a lot less time craving takeout food but the first week was a real battle of wills. I win those little battles by thinking in short term chunks. I say, 'You can have a chinese takeout on Friday, just resist for 3 more days and it's all yours' and then of course by the time I reach Friday I feel accomplished and don't want to order the chinese. Basically, I have to treat my brain like a toddler and do sneaky mama tricks on it haha.
On the plus side, I have now had 14 consecutive days getting my 5-a-day of fruit and veggies and my skin, alertness levels and mood are thanking me for it. I'm not 100% sure if this is linked but since putting cleaner foods into my body I have been a lot less up and down in mood. I'm a very passionate person so I'm quick to laugh heartily, cry hard or shout loud but this last fortnight I've felt a little more mellow, which has been quite the treat for my Husband!
As well as eating better I have been upping my exercise game. By 'upping', I mean, 'actually doing some'! I used to have not a jot of proper exercise, aside from pushing the pram about, taking Darcy to the swings or nipping to the shop but none of those were anything more than light.
I now go on 30 minute brisk walks/runs every other day and I don't hate it. I haven't got that addicted to exercise bug yet but I'm hoping it hits fairly soon. My friend Mark says it takes 3 weeks to make something a habit so my fingers are firmly crossed. I used to walk the length (and back again) of a nearby park but after a scary encounter with some locals (think hooded group of young men making lude remarks), I quickly changed my walking root and it feels much safer, although rather hilly and slightly longer dagnamit!
The first time I did one of the walks I came home and was shaking I was so unused to exercise! Now though, I bound home in my hot pink trainers, jump in the shower and feel really accomplished. There is a certain sense of power in knowing that you are taking control of a new area of your life. I feel physically and mentally stronger because of it.
So far, I'm really enjoying making these changes. I want my insides to feel great, I want to be a fit and healthy Mama for my Little and I want to enjoy a much more active life.
I don't know how long I will continue on this journey (commitment issues, remember?) or how accomplished I will be but for the last 3 weeks I have taken so much from Sprinklerino Support (official term there) and feel very blessed to have you all in my glittery life.
Have you ever undertaken big life changes like this? How did you feel? Did they work? Do you feel like a sensual woman goddess?!?
Contributor - Louise
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