Aloha Sprinklerinos,
Lately I have been thinking a lot about creativity. I have been musing on how grateful I am to have such a creative job and how lucky I am to be able to freely choose what I want to make and upload each week to my YouTube Channel. I have also been reflecting upon how pleased I am that other YouTubers are free to flex their creative muscles and produce such interesting and thought provoking content.
I have to admit, I don't think I could say that I push boundaries or do anything particularly visionary. What I do is chitchat about the things that tickle me and document the parts of my life I think worthy of sharing or remembering. I do have small goals to challenge myself in these areas but until then, I wanted to, every now and again, celebrate channels who I think are doing a good job. 'Doing a good job' doesn't necessarily mean, 'getting all the views' or 'being most re-blogged on tumblr', but providing something enjoyable/fun/clever/well made/tickled-louise's-pickle (minds out of gutters please).
This week I would like to highlight THIS video by Bertie Gilbert. I don't know Bertie (except to have said 'hello' at a few events) and haven't watched a lot of his videos (gargh I hope he never sees this- I watched one about a year ago and was a little bit offended by some of the jokes he made and so didn't watch again) but this one looked interesting so I gave it a whirl.
What I like about it is that a) it's like a little game to see if media can manipulate us (I think it does and it did) and b) it's not the usual. It's not a silly challenge (holds hands up for enjoying and filming silly challenges) and it's not a haul (holds hands up again). It just is what it is and it works and I like it and this is my blog and my rules so I'm sharing it and that's that! *Delicately hops off high horse*.
I'm really enchanted by the idea that people can have an idea pop into their head, work out a way to make it, do it and then share it with other people. Ten years ago that process would have been really laborious but now, thanks to that world wide web thingymabob, it's a lot more feasible and I for one am enjoying it.
Tell me in the comments or tweet me (@Sprinkleofglitr) what videos or other forms of creative online content you have enjoyed this weekend. I'd love to add more to my watching list!
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PS- Do you love how creative my title about creativity it? Deary me.
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