The 2014 Planner Has Arrived!!!

Its here!!! Its here!!! Its finally here... I'm talking about my 2014 weekly planner printable! I really wanted to have this post up last week, but... well it didn't happen. So here we are a day or two into the new year and I have it ready for you to download... better late than never right?

Its 130 pages of colorful schedule-organizing bliss. It is setup to be printed double sided after the first page so as to not waste paper. Also, have you ever had a planner that only had enough writing space if you wrote extremely small? Well, I tried to make sure that there was enough space to write even if your handwriting is rather large... aka normal or have a lot to jot down. Each month has a two-page monthly calendar with space notes and important dates.

Following each of the two-page monthly calendars are two-page weekly calendars. There is an area for notes, dinner menu, and shopping list. I wanted to include a designated space for the dinner menu and a shopping list because I found that I was writing them in my actual calendar space.

It is my hope that you are enjoy the weekly planner and are able to put it to good use. I will have another post to show you how I set mine up in my Arc binder, but I wanted to get this post up so you can download and start using the planner ASAP.

{Click HERE to download the 2014 Weekly Planner}

Till next time....

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