Motivational Monday #4

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Merry Monday to you my lovely Sprinklerinos. Have you had great weekends? I certainly hope so!
Today marks the last week of January, which I think to a lot of us is a relief. January, in my opinion is one of the dullest months and February brings daffodils, birdsong and the promise of Spring, hooray.

(Mmmmm thanks Blogger. I made this white but blogger wasn't having any of it!)

Today's inspirational quote is one I found myself writing in an email to my friend Faye (more on her soon) who is venturing on a couple of big plans with her Husband. 

I chose to use it this week because it's something I have been trying out for the last few months and really finding to have positive results.

I wouldn't class myself as a brave person. I don't like to push comfort zones and I don't like to cross boundaries of unknowns, they frighten me. Lately though, on a couple of occasions a month, I force myself to do something I feel a little nervous about. For example, last October I was asked to give a speech a large conference for Wired Magazine and before I could talk myself out of it, I said 'alrighty'. This then led to doing another talk to a large household name health and wellness brand and then one by one, like dominos, new opportunities sprang up because of the previous brave move. I'm starting to see that being a bit brave here and there really does pay off. 

It may 'pay' in money, it might be rewarding in experience or enriching relationships but more often than not, being brave and going the extra mile is worth it. Now I'm not suggesting you quit your job, sell your belongings and backpack across the world (unless of course you want to!), but to quietly assess where your natural boundaries lie and then take just one step out of them. And then, if you feel able, another. 

Put aside five minutes today to think about what you could do to push yourself that little bit or make an active effort to be open to new opportunities that might pass you by. You never know what exciting things could happen! I'll be checking up on you next week!

This week's homework- Comment below with what you might try out this week to demonstrate bravery and also let me know which areas of life you were kinder to yourself in last week. If you see anyone in the comments with similar experiences to you or things you feel you could help with, say hello and spread good vibes. The comment section is a friendly place y'anno!


Contributor - Louise

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