Amazing Advertisers || May 2015

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Excuse me there but where is the time going this year? I'm sure I just sat down to write April's Advertiser post!!

This month Heidi has shared all sorts on her beauty, fashion and lifestyle blog. From great beauty discount codes (I think if you are in the States), interesting food inspiration (excuse me, yes, I would very much like to eat chickeny goodness out of a roasted pumpkin) and a makeup tutorial, there is a little bit for everyone. 

Franco Florenzi is a sleek, professional looking e-shop selling watches, bracelets and individual watch straps for both men and women. All the bracelets are what I'd call 'rope' style and many have a sweet nautical charm on. Very summery, very casual. Woo!

Lynsey, from Scotland, enjoyed her five years of university so much that she has opened up a YouTube channel giving weekly advice about all the trials and tribulations of studying and the student lifestyle. From help with your dissertation to tips for sleeping better, Lynsey has a lot to offer and is totally worth checking out. 

Beware! Clicking on Hayley's blog is gonna take a chunk of your time because you won't be able to not get sucked in. I just clicked on to have a quick swizz through and 20 minutes later I feel totally invested in her life and adore her sweet babes. This month I particularly enjoyed the post about the bits and bobs around her home (totally want a homeware spree now) and I appreciated how honest she was in her postpartum posts. Very refreshing. 

Preet's beautifully laid out blog is a pleasure to read through. I absolutely love the mix of beauty, lifestyle and inspiration and particularly enjoyed all the little happy Monday quotes. Laze Sundaze really is the kind of place you need to grab a smoothie and sit in for a good chunk of time. I just did and I feel all the better for it. Lovely lovely. 

I would describe Charlotte's site as a 'classic beauty blog'. It's light, airy, feminine, beautiful pictures, products you can't help but want to buy and good, well thought out copy. Her most recent Barry M post has made me reminisce about my love for those candy colour bottles of joy. The post I was most interested in (and infuriated by!) was about her terrible customer service in Boots. I'm so saddened to hear this happened and hope we are updated if it is resolved to a satisfactory standard!

Oops. My plan was to have a little flick through this blog and give you a feel for what you can expect and whether I like it or not. What I actually did though is hop over and become completely and utterly enthralled in the 'The Highland Fling', a post about a guy names M and how she almost made it with him but yanno, didn't. As a single gal myself, I can relate to dating disasters and loved the details of this baddun'. Better luck next time Charlotte. 

So lovely to have Judy back again this month and to continue delving into her blog which is an enticing space of everything that interests her. The layout is unique, the posts fresh and the copy easy to read. I found her post on job hunting quite interesting because I know how hard that is at the moment (my sister is looking for a job too) and it's refreshing to read something so frank and honest. I hope you find something super sparkly very soon!

Oh hello a boy! Vair vair exciting! Mikkel is a lovely chap who blogs about travel, fashion and lifestyle. If you go over for one thing at least, it should be the photography- it is b-e-a-utiful! I think my favourite type of post would have to be the 'Weekly Snaps' because I love a glimpse into people's lives and Denmark looks incredible at this time of year!


And there we have it, this month's beauties all wrapped up!

I hope you have lovely days and if you're in the UK, you are making the most of the sunshine!



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