Aloha Sprinklerinos,
If you have been following me on social media like Twitter and YouTube you may well already know that I am touring LouiseLIVE this June! OMFG wooo-hoooooooo!!
Buy Tickets
Liverpool -
Coventry -
Edinburgh -
Salford -
London -
Ticket Master -
LouiseLIVE started last year after I felt that traditional 'Meet & Greets' weren't suitable for my rapidly growing audience, with girls queueing for up to 8 hours for a quick hello and a selfie. I felt this wasn't good enough and although efficient, didn't leave allow a valuable experience for either me or you. I felt I could do more to give you better. So, at conventions I began hosting hour long Q&A sessions called 'Glitter Time', where I could have higher quality interactions with viewers, conversations, get to know them a little bit and hopefully chat to them about the things they were interested in and wouldn't otherwise here on my channel on social platforms. After doing my first 'Glitter Time' at Vidcon 2014, someone said, 'You should take this to the stage properly'.
This way, nobody is left queuing for hours and rather than 3 seconds of a selfie and brief 'hi, how are you?', we can have an hour or two of really fun, interactive time that leaves a much better taste in everyone's mouths. (That's a really weird saying, isn't it??)
So, 'The Sprinkle of Glitter Experience' was born. We had a pilot show in Northampton, my home time, last November and it was a total hit. We have 100% positive feedback and I felt the show was something the audience really enjoyed.
This year we're bringing it back with a newer (and let's face it, snappier, name), LouiseLIVE, more cities and more content. We've worked on fun segments, audience participation and all the lols and now I'm just ready and excited to do it!!
Most of the tickets have now sold out but there are about 15% left so if you wanted to grab some for you or a friend, please do before they're all gone!!
I'm regularly checking the #LouiseLIVE on twitter so do chat to me on that if you'd like to and I'll hopefully see some of you there!!! WOOOOO!!!
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